The Truth Trap | “We've All Been Played!”

The Truth Trap | “We've All Been Played!”

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  1. I am totally surprised this video is being allowed to play as this is exactly what is happening to this kangaroo court impeaching an impeachable person but as soon as this Kangaroo Court takes over the government and laws of the United States we will no longer have the ability to vote but instead will have a king price long as he lives

  2. I Love revolting the "fear Mongering and ruthless humans"……If you do too, I know you will love our story," Ben The Builder Builds our first home in Bali". We are not rich, Yet! and so our family are financially supporting us to do this build. The whole "Build" is built from Love and we are filming it to share that "Love" and all the information we can to help anybody else wanting to do the same.X

  3. It is not only the fault of big tech alone. A lot of people just really don't care about politics and privacy. 
    All they care about is new shoes and looking cool.

  4. My life has changed since I started questioning the official narrative of what I learned before when I was asleep like most other people. Here are a few lies that we are told by the government, corporations, the medical community and that most people don't understand but I know are true:

    The money we use in our lives is not owned or created by the government. It is owned by privately owned banks, like the Federal Reserve, Bank of America, Citibank, Barclay's, etc. and they and they alone have the ability to create money. Everybody else, including governments, corporations, municipalities and people have to borrow it from these private banks, and they can create as much as they want, take it back at any time, and charge as much interest as they want.
    This money is also created as debt instead of value. That means, for every dollar created that somebody uses, it is owed back to the banks(coins are an exception; in the US, coins ARE created by the government). This system is called fractional reserve banking, and it gives private banks the ability to control just about everything by using their money to pick winners and losers;

    The healthcare system purposely gives out bad advice that kills people in the name of profits. They confuse and obstruct research and evidence that could possibly threaten their profits. The drug industry lobbies the government to make laws that give them more influence over doctors
    Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. That myth came from Dr Ancel Keys, and was pushed by the American Heart Association, the McGovern Committee, The USDA, the sugar industry, and is still being told by the media and food manufacturers.
    Statins are basically worthless. They do more harm than good. They are the biggest moneymaker in the history of prescription drugs, and cure a non-existent disease.
    Vegetable oils are not heart healthy. They are synthetic fats that humans did not evolve to eat, and they cause cancer, heart disease, inflammation, and poor health. The food companies labeled them heart healthy because they lower LDL cholesterol.
    Diabetes is reversible in most people. All you have to do is get the sugar out of your diet and lower your consumption of carbohydrates.

    Professional sports are all manipulated to some extent to increase revenue.

    You have to question everything, because whenever large amounts of money are involved, people will lie and cheat, period.

  5. When American military says
    We'll give you freedom or guess (specific place) needs some freedom

    It has a double meaning
    Which is sad & ironic for a "free" country

    Real eyes Realise Real lies

  6. ANYTHING THE GOVERNMENT does for privacy is ALWAYS a way to spy on its citizens.
    Ad driven all based on your personal history and even medical history. Its a sham!
    Everything we have in technology is about invading privacy.?

    S N O W D E N
    He did tell the truth and keeps telling the truth!

    We were warned a looooong time ago.
    Artists and Creative ppl can see it happening
    bcz their brains question reality.

  7. "Our lives were given freely by our Creator&our liberty were also given freely to us by our Creator&never to be granted by any government."
    -Ron Paul(Libertarian &US senator)

  8. The only way out of this shit is deep connection, discussions, and understanding w each other. Humanity has been pegged against each other so intricately that we’re taking ourselves down without even thinking about it. I look forward to a brighter future

  9. I find it hard to believe that one percent of the Earth's population possesses 90% of the world's resources .that would be both physically and spacially imposible it's on theoretically possible

  10. mmmm I agree with you. Unfortunately, 90% of the world population are sleeping idiots and would never believe this. Hence why thye are rushing out to injected with vaccines.

  11. This is all starting to make sense!! Its sad an crazy but sadly true!! Please Put the phone down or technology !! Go for a walk in nature!! Before smelling the roses ? is forgotten look how easy this has become its scary to be honest its like people aren’t living!! ??? with all your questions!! If we don’t wake up or stop ? this!! We are in trouble salvement We need to get in touch with ourselves!! For our greater of good in Our higher power not Theres !! An seeking the truth!! Of whats really going on!! Seriously!!!