The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism

The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism

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More and more often we’ve seen corporations take an ethical stance on production, or espouse popular social values. While this may sound like a step in the right direction, there’s a lot we need to be aware of…

The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism – Second Thought

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  1. Second thought in 2019: Capitalism can be conscious and reformed!

    Second thought in 2020: Workers of the world unite! you have nothing to lose but your chains!

    Second thought 2021: Cia is a terrorist organizations and USA is the perpetrator of global colonialist violence and oppression.

    Character development!

  2. I recently started a one woman small business with my lefty anti-imperialist pro worker-co-opt ideals, it's really difficult to make money ethically when producing ethically, and no I don't mean having woke adds.

  3. The biggest problem with capitalism is that it always ends up with stratification.

    This is because competition is not very profitable, that is if you are on the end that has to compete.

    The ideal situation is having those on the other end having to compete, where you either don't have to compete at all, or you have to compete far less than those on the other end.

    This is why corporations hate unions. Unions are a way of ordinary workers putting themselves in a position of having to compete less–the very same game their bosses play.

    I think this argument is so effective that I can safely ignore most others–including this guy's.

  4. Nothing inherently good about Capitalism???????? What about the literal BILLIONS of people who live without the threat of starvation, disease, war, or the risk of dying at child birth, the big 4 of human suffering? Sure its not perfect and has alot of problems (mainly externalities related to the environment and the exploitation of poorer counties), but give Capitalism the credit it deserves aswel….

  5. The point of conscious Capitalism is moving beyond only focusing on short term profit and focusing on long term profit. Long term thinking forces ethical behaviour because there are no profits if shit hits the fan. Needed goods that Capitalism can't provide should be incentivized, subsidised or totally provided by the State. Its not hard people

  6. As soon as you started the CS ad, I clicked out. BTW, if your video includes ads, we are prohibited from showing it on Facebook. So if you want to be reposted, you will need to cut the ads. Just saying.

  7. My experience is they tend to be as conscious as the customers in their country, becoming more ethical when they have to.

    Like how all these companies suddenly announced on their web sites that our privacy is very important to them… once the EU passed laws that required them to allow users to opt out of being tracked.

  8. Problem is when the majority of the population can no longer afford most of the goods produced, capitalism crush's a large part of its, consumer base and can no longer grow.

  9. I’ve been waiting to see videos about Whole Foods and conscious capitalism. Sounds like a reasonable idea, and it worked for Whole Foods until they lost the pseudo-monopoly on natural and organic products. Of course, once they started facing real competition, the model wasn’t sustainable. The fantasy, the swan song, it seems to me, was conscious capitalism, but the Amazon buyout was the reality of capitalism coming in full-force. I could talk about my experiences working at Whole Foods through that transition, but I think I’ve already summarized everything I have to say.

  10. True free-market capitalism isn't generally as bad as what is being described here. Not because it isn't profit-motivated, but because businesses are much smaller and more accountable to the local population. The biggest problem we have on our hands at the moment is the marriage of large corporations and government that constitutes the corporate welfare state. Big, centralized government and big corps are equally bad, as they both facilitate abuses of power.

  11. I love finding videos of yours about topics that are becoming hot and popular to talk about, then seeing that you posted it years ago lol

    My dudes always way ahead of it. Love you ?

  12. I agree. But can you please help me understand have the same arguments against free market capitalism corrupt business not also apply to socialism, or any other system and corrupt government. Please just tell me any system that’s not subject to corruption. Thank you

  13. You dont offer anything that's better than capitalism, it's true it's not the fairest way to distributing wealth but socialism and communism offer nothing never has never will you know that.

  14. The emergence of Conscious Capitalism is inevitable if Capitalism wants to persist in the long run. Plain Capitalism is unsustainable. It gobbles down all resources available and then dies of hunger with wondering goggly kitten eyes. Or, most likely, devolves into feudalism.