The Neurochemistry of Flow States, with Steven Kotler | Big Think.

The Neurochemistry of Flow States, with Steven Kotler | Big Think.

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The Neurochemistry of Flow States,
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Perhaps our pursuit of drug-free sports went a little too far. Many diseases supposedly linked to steroid use in adults simply do not occur, says Steven Kotler. Steroids are, however, great at combating HIV/AIDS and as an anti-aging too.

Steven Kotler is an award-winning journalist, a New York Times bestselling author, and co-founder and director of research for the Flow Genome Project. His books include the non-fiction works The Rise of Superman, Abundance, A Small Furry Prayer, West of Jesus, and the novel The Angle Quickest for Flight. His works have been translated into over 30 languages. His articles have appeared in over 60 publications, including The Atlantic Monthly, Wired, GQ, Popular Science, and Discover.

His latest book, co-authored with tech CEO Peter Diamandis, is Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World.


Steven Kotler:  I had no interest whatsoever in steroids. I got involved in this because an editor who is a friend of mine called me up and said Jose Canseco just wrote this crazy book where he said steroids are the wonder drug of tomorrow. And I said look man, I am not much of a baseball fan. It kind of bores me and everybody knows steroids are terrible for you. Canseco’s out of his mind. There’s no way – like you’re wasting my time. And he said, you know, it was very, very convincing. He said I’ll pay you to do the research. I was like absolutely I’m in. So I started looking at it and I just started I said okay, I’m just going to read – I’m going to go back ten years and read the articles in major journals – The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature – that kind of thing. I’m not even going to go that deep. Very very quickly what I started to discover is every single thing I thought I knew about steroids was wrong. Every crazy disease these drugs had been linked to have nothing to do with it. I’ll give you a phenomenal example. Steroids were linked to liver cancer, liver problems, right. It had nothing to do with the steroid. It has to do with the coating they put around the steroid so it could pass through the stomach and get into your bloodstream. That was what was causing the problems. That coating has obviously since been replaced. But Nick Evans who’s at UCLA is the only person literally in history whose ever done long-term steroid studies, right. Long term abusers. Body builders, double and triple stacking steroids for 10, 20 years at a time.

None of the things we’ve been told about are real. The only danger he found is since the heart is a muscle there is a certain point if you’re taking massive massive doses over long periods of time it can expand it, it can grow, right and grow bigger than the blood vessels and the ventricles and what not which would be a problem. And this doesn’t mean, by the way, when teenagers use steroids, right, when you’re still producing lots of these substances it’s an absolute disaster, right. That’s bad news. But in adults everything we’ve been told tends to be wrong and some of what we’ve been told costs millions of lives, right. It turns out steroids are phenomenal, phenomenal in fighting back AIDS. They’re really, really, really good. Nobody wanted to talk about it. When doctors started treating AIDS patients with it the guy who started doing this was a guy named Walter Jekot. The government jumped in and put him in jail for five years. He scared the hell out of a ton of doctors and the result of this kind of us trying to keep sports pure and, you know, preserve the competitive advantage has been millions of people died as a result. So not only is everything you’ve been told about steroids wrong, but there were a lot of consequences. The people who have been at the forefront of this and kind of pushing it forward is the life extension community, right. Our hormones decline as we age so the idea here is we can replace them. And they’ve been working on this stuff for 10, 15 years at this point with some success. It is now one of five or six different ways people are attacking aging, right, and fighting back death. But one thing seems to be sure. Since Google’s in the anti-death game, right, Peter Diamandis, my partner, in Bold and Abundance has human longevity incorporated there in the life extension game. There are big companies, massive amounts of resources getting involved and steroids are a piece of this puzzle. And I think we’re going to have to as a country rethink our position on these drugs and anti-aging stuff is going to force us to do it.

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  1. I believe I experienced this 'Flow' state last week. I had been working pretty hard during the day time, I did some yoga afterwards then I went out and practiced some cold-approach pick up. When I came home I was just in the zone. There is no other way I can describe the way I felt. I was reading like a machine. I was writing and everything which came out of me was just on point. I actually come up with a new idea for an app (I have never before thought about making an app). Also, music sounded incredible and I was really able to take it in. I then meditated just before bedtime and I went into the deepest meditative state I have ever been in.

    Now here I am researching whatever it was that I felt. I just stumbled across this 'state' but I certainly want more of it.

  2. Hah for a second I thought he was saying HAARP was running tests on flow.
    The only way I know how to get into flow is to play piano or bass guitar in a rhyhmic way, with a drummer or backing track for like a good two hours.. then I'm in it. is there another way really with "meditation" where one is not actively engaged in some creative or other process even like dishwashing? Can one really "meditate" to attain "flow" by sitting still? I find that rather absurd almost.

  3. With Tech Minded / Nerd Community having more access to it in CO,WA,OR,CA… what correlations have been found between the "Hippie Speedball" (Caffeine+Cannabis) and riding the railcar over into the Flow Lane?

  4. Thanks for the Video clip! Apologies for the intrusion, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you ever tried – Marnaavid Unexplainable Intervention (do a google search)? It is a smashing exclusive product for learning how to hack your flow state minus the headache. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my m8 finally got astronomical success with it.

  5. I wonder to what extent an ability to use flow at will can be learned? I have learned to sometimes put myself in an extremely positive mental state during and after flow yoga.

  6. I've read that in flowstate the default mode network is less active while practicing Transcendental Meditation enhances the activity of the DMN, is then TM counter productive for achieving this state? :S

  7. This is shameful and a scam. He’s not a doctor, and has no medical background. He’s using buzzwords to make him look intelligent. He’s a writer and a he knows how to speak, that’s his hook. Flow isn’t real, this is a scam. He isn’t a scientist.

  8. Flow is normal with highly sensitive people… it also causes hsp/aspergers people to not focus that much on cognitive empathy. BTW, the speech volume is not very good- the mic or the mixing messed it up, makes it a bit hard for me to calibrate my ears-

  9. Its funny how no-one tries to disprove flow state,
    It might be because most people have experienced it at some point

    If only some people experienced it, the concept would probably be alot more criticized

  10. Appreciate video content! Apologies for the intrusion, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Marnaavid Unexplainable Intervention (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is a good one off product for learning how to hack your flow state minus the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my good mate called Gray got astronomical success with it.

  11. So let me get this straight i am able to run on flow all day wile I work. ( I did not understand what it was I was doing but this is it) SiI have 20k+ experience hours in my job so im not 2x master im 4x master.

  12. my doctor put me on SSRI for GAD since then I started to experience flow, I finished studying topics that usually take 3 months to finish in one month ??? is this flow ????

  13. I am a teacher and recently started to work at university level, this has had me reading and learning new content that I did not master the way it's needed for this level, so I study and teach at the same time, so I am constantly in the flow, it's super demanding, but this flow gives me enough motivation and energy as to perform the way I am asked to.

  14. Time: 0:49 And that's why creativity, seeing differently, always begins in the same way: it begins with a question. It begins with not knowing. It begins with a 'why?' with a 'what if?'. Why do I hear voices in my head, not now, but in the past. Why did they lead me to the videos of the past? That they are our future. The gods are hiding in technology. What if I'm right and I do see god in the videos of the past. What now?