The Most HONEST 10 Minutes Of Your Life

The Most HONEST 10 Minutes Of Your Life

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You Will Never Look At Life The Same AFTER WATCHING THIS!

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  1. It is mankind's ultimate conceit to believe that what exists is limited by what we are capable of perceiving. The road doesn't cease to exist beyond the range of our headlights. To me, and to many great minds throughout history as well, science points to intelligent design. Don't get hung up on the term "God" or humanize the Creator of all things. Consider the possibility that man is NOT God, but rather, that we are created beings who need humble ourselves and be penitent to find true and lasting peace.

  2. David is fantastic…. but he refers to human consciousness as being the only element that drives this projection. We are not the keepers of consciousness, everything that is alive has consciousness and life energy that contributes to this. We are the most confused, and we need to get it right because it comes simply to all other living things — it seems that they "are" and they "do". WE have a long way to go and unfortunately not everyone will understand this kind of information. They just won't….. For those that do, you share life and consciousness with everything that is alive and human consciousness needs an upgrade. You are name here from somewhere, that exists in infinity. Have at it. It's true. David has always had the truth, someone HAS to tell the truth. That's David's job. 🙂 But it's your/our job to raise the level for everyone else, to do the heavy lifting that makes it easier for folks who come after.

  3. why do i get a scam add on ever single video these days? youtube must be complete out of control, seems like a washing maschine for money.

  4. only thing I disagree with is that worrying about possible outcomes enslaves us. I live from a place of the heart always seeing the positive. I had to train myself to concider all outcomes and accept ANY possible outcome, only then are you really in control of your emotions, and avoid the emotional let downs. and quite often by foreseeing possible outcomes, you avoid them, or have your plan of attack when the possible outcome is not favorable. I do this often in parenting. then when the child makes a bad choice I parent from a rational place not one of anger or frustration….

  5. Wow, did you change course from blaming everyone/everything else and finally looking at personal responsibility?? I gotta look out the window to check for pigs flying.

  6. Yes you did it again David you are my hero …….you get me motivated you've motivated me and I will make sure I will also motivate other ? through my channel

  7. Gee Dave still look at life the same way listened to your opinion liked some of some of it. Now your playing wack a mole. Do you actually have something to say? Boil it down boy, boil it down. It's just noise now.

  8. Quotes from David Messiah Icke No 1 "I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead. – No 2 "Everyone is a son or daughter of god" No 3 "I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it." – No 4 "I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule. – Well done nutcase Mr David Icke.

  9. To be able to actually hear what is being said you have to be ready for it. Thanks to David and others like him the possibility for evolution is opened. True evolution of self and of humanity.

  10. Loved Icke talking about a bodyguard, it has always been the case in the UK that people are far far more likely to laugh at him than physically attack him and he knows this all too well from previous incidents.
    Icke needing a bodyguard is yet another example of his own inflated but delusional self importance , I think his perceptual frequency band needs adjusting ?

  11. The world is being controlled by big Pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline,who have killed over a hundred million people in the past thirty years with just one drug 'MYODIL 'which they inject into the spinal cord to do what is called a Myleogrm X-RAY.The people that it doesn't kill are hooked on Codeine and Morphine and OXYCONTIN which makes more money for the drug companies.Pure evil.☠?

  12. Im actually gonna try the month thing. im not a white working class man im a point of attention and infinite concioiusness. Will come back with results if my life improved in any way. He sounds like a genius.

  13. God bless all who are resisting this satanic evil globalist agenda for worldwide enslavement of humanity. I frankly have nothing but contempt for those mask wearing collaborators who are going along with the deletion of human freedom, they are totalitarian traitors with no guts or foresight for there childrens future, just robots who do what the satanic elites tell them to do, its despicable and i can never talk to those people again because they are actively destroying my freedoms by enabling the elite to take them away through active collaboration so its personal now and cant be forgiven at this point.

  14. I've spent my entire career touring the world and learning everything I could about the human mind…EVERYTHING that is wrong in your life is because of your personal mind. Changing your mindset will change everything!