THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS #5 – Powerful Motivational Video for Success

THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS #5 – Powerful Motivational Video for Success

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  1. You'll watch an entire Netflix show even when the first episodes are slow and boring just because someone told you "it gets better." But what if you looked at your goals like that and watched your life get better instead?

  2. ?thank you for this energy!!! i needed this!
    Im pursuing my youtube career, while being a nurse, studying and following an internship, while working out 3 times a week.
    And i have to tell you: yes, its possible!
    i already reached 912 subs 🙂

    Almost 1K! let's gooo! ?

  3. Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!

  4. Remarkable person reading this.. It’s going to get better; all it is a season of opportunity to grow and be better than before. Challenging times are meant to strengthen us, not to break us. Success doesn’t define to what happened to us; it is how we choose to deal with our circumstances. The more you grow and develop as an incredible person as you are, the more things will change for the better. Forgive more (for you), be grateful for even the smallest things (we have it way better than someone else), choose love over ego, choose humility over ego (humility is strength), and finally, invest into new skills so that your future self will thank you. Our lives will change forever the more we grow. Be thankful for the challenges for we know something greater is coming. Love you always – Nathalie ✨❤️

  5. One vital factor to always remember is the importance of persistence. People get bummed out far too quickly when they fail. And you will fail; you will fail many times, over and over again. But the beauty of failure is that it teaches you valuable lessons every time. The greatest successes come from those who've failed multiple times.

  6. All good with the motivation and everything but I don't think mentioning Bill Gates, and Elon Musk showing his interviews and stuff is reliable, one Gates is a pedophile blood sucking asshole, and Elon is a scammer. Source: ask me for the evidence, I'll send it, its undeniably truth. Truth has become a filthy word, everyone uses it assuming to know better when they don't.

  7. In your simulation that you are living in constantly, remember you receive things through focus, and repeated actions of the same things over time in this dimension. Nothing comes without repeated action over and over then 1 day it's a temporary yet permanent imagery you have created until you change it. Because here nothing stays as you see it. It changes over time as we age and our interests changes to something else. Our thoughts are directed to other things, so we create and focus on new things.