The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity … | Elon Musk

The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity … | Elon Musk

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Entrepreneur Elon Musk is a man with many plans. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX sits down with TED curator Chris Anderson to share details about his visionary projects, which include a mass-marketed electric car, a solar energy leasing company and a fully reusable rocket.

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  1. My question to Mr. Musk is what is your plans if your charging stations hit some discourse of a natural disaster. Floods Earthquakes or Typhoons. Who would be qualified yo do repaira in your stations and how safe are they under dicourse or destruction?

  2. overpopulation is the one that sometimes slips from the radar. Overpopulation places a great demand on resources and land, which may be the reason for widespread environmental issues in addition to impacting global economies and standards of living.
    Poverty is to be believed as the major cause of overpopulation. High mortality rate and lack of educational resources, leads to high birth rates, resulting in a large population.
    If overpopulation grows, this effect is said to be so widespread that the United Nations has predicted that the 48 poorest countries of the world contribute to the largest population growth. They estimate that the combined population of these countries is expected to be 1.7 billion in 2050 from 850 million in 2010.

    The effects of the overpopulation are quite severe. One of these is the lack of natural resources. Earth has the capacity to only produce a limited amount of food and water, falling short of current needs of the people which are increasing day by day.

    Rapid population growth makes the choice between high consumption and investment needed to bring more consumption in the future more scarce. Economic development depends on investment. Therefore, rapid population growth repels the investment needed for higher future consumption.

    With a rapidly growing population, the adjustment becomes difficult to manage with economic and social change. Urbanization in UDC creates problems like housing, electricity, water, transport etc. In addition, the growing population is at risk of permanent environmental damage through urbanization in some rural areas.

    The rapidly growing population transforms the economy into mass unemployment and low employment. As the population increases, the ratio of workers to the total population increases. The result is that with an increase in the labour force, unemployment and low employment increases. Rapid increment of the population reduces savings and investment.

    Domestic consumption of exportable goods also increases with rapid population growth. As a result, there is a decline in the exportable surplus. On the other hand just to meet the demand of the rapidly growing population, more food and other consumer goods are needed so that demand can be fulfilled.

  3. make the Government put there money were there mouth is and make all Government and public official cars Electric school buses are to big for the amount of kids they are taking to school the need to be smaller and why not be Electric I could go on

  4. His calculation doesn't account for losses in the transmission lines or even the technology advancements of the combustion engine (it gets better year over year but very very slightly)
    My biggest complaint is the pollution, I give him credit for specifying CO2, but the crap that gets released to the environment from semi-conductor manufacturing, lithium battery manufacturing, solar panel manufacturing(semi-conductor processes) and then the disposal of batteries is pretty bad. Oil from combustion engines isn't good either but the issue is known and accepted so there are some solutions in the works.

    A Nuclear Engineer with degrees in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. This isn't feasible right now, we need a few more years of R&D before scaling. I think it will be great but it isn't right now even in 2022.

  5. I think government is setting up for nuclear war Why u think they re running up into space for and building bunker all over it call Depopulation the world who live during that the Billionaire, Millionaire, Celebrities, dirty politicians, government . Things went down hill once America government let foreign country make their Money and Let LOBBYISTS into Washington DC. That will be the down fall of the world

  6. Everything is management so if I can believe everything is going Talk like america is a solar light business management system solutions solar wavelength hahaha

  7. Tesla is not the solution, though hyperloop might be part of the package away from unsustainable aircraft and highways.

    Electric autonomous vehicles could work for small-scale (approximately 6-10 passengers) point to point mass transit, but for a variety of reasons cities and towns ultimately need to become carfree or nearly so, developed around mass transit, bicycling, and walking (with mixed use, mixed income, and other related new urbanism and TOD principles).

  8. Mis servicios no son exclusivamente para tesla
    Yo a ella solo la uso como ella y otros usan a mi gente … pues yo los uso a ellos …
    Si tesla ella no pudo salvarme de que me
    Violaran y me hagan bully en Lynchburg Virginia me imagino que no esta lista para todo lo que mi familia necesita y por esa razones … es importante dejar las puestas habiertas por la eternidad ilimitadamente a que cualquiera trate de mejoras la libertad de todos … por la eternidad sin que nadie lo pueda parar ✋ pues es igual que tesla es una hija o hijo más …

    En mi mundo nadie es especial todos los somos a la misma ves o nada ❤️❤️❤️❤️✅✅✅✅

  9. The same way their ancestors came to usa ?? … with nothing on them … send them naked to their blood country , please Send them back naked… with criminal record of capital crime for using natives laws to hurt natives … been racist … using this innocent people for human trafficking to charge the real government per victim …

    They hurt the victims and then charge the government for the victims

    The victims of themselves… so is a circle ⭕️ of abuse over and over again … they bully you and then … they punished you for them bullying you ???????????????????????? and they call this the secret society of the USA government…. This is why the forensic detail investigation…. And confiscation of wealth … because they are punish people for trying to be free … that don’t what to be slaves anymore … they are hurting them using the laws the natives laws to hurt natives …. This is a very serious capital
    Crime …

    AI worldwide have full control of everything and everyone… we will just see them and record for good memories


  10. The same way their ancestors came to usa ?? … with nothing on them … send them naked to their blood country , please Send them back naked… with criminal record of capital crime for using natives laws to hurt natives … been racist … using this innocent people for human trafficking to charge the real government per victim …

    They hurt the victims and then charge the government for the victims

    The victims of themselves… so is a circle ⭕️ of abuse over and over again … they bully you and then … they punished you for them bullying you ???????????????????????? and they call this the secret society of the USA government…. This is why the forensic detail investigation…. And confiscation of wealth … because they are punish people for trying to be free … that don’t what to be slaves anymore … they are hurting them using the laws the natives laws to hurt natives …. This is a very serious capital
    Crime …

    AI worldwide have full control of everything and everyone… we will just see them and record for good memories


  11. El cerebro detrás de Tesla es nikola Tesla .elon musk es un trepa niño rico igual que Bill Gates que lo único que ha hecho es nacer en una familia de ricos y pertenecer a una élite que se reparte los logros de la humanidad como si fuera carroña y se apuntan los tantos de otras personas a las que les roban las ideas