The mental health benefits of storytelling for health care workers | Laurel Braitman

The mental health benefits of storytelling for health care workers | Laurel Braitman

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Health care workers are under more stress than ever before. How can they protect their mental health while handling new and complex pressures? TED Fellow Laurel Braitman shows how writing and sharing personal stories helps physicians, nurses, medical students and other health professionals connect more meaningfully with themselves and others — and make their emotional well-being a priority.

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  1. Amazing talk ever I found on TED platform. I am really grateful to you ma'am for your valuable suggestions and experiences that you have shared with the world.
    Noble job you are doing to help care health care authority. Thank you so much.

  2. Mental health has to the priority of this time and age. No matter how successful you are. Irrespective of your profession. Mental health gives you fulfillment in life. Having lots of accolades won't help if you are not able to keep yourself sane. And storytelling is one of the best ways to keep sane.

  3. 자막에 한국어도 넣어 주시면 좋을것 같아요!
    해석하는데 시간이 너무 오래 걸린답니다!
    너무유용하게 보고 있어요.? 감사합니다~!?? I love it?

  4. 8:50 – I appreciate aspiring doctors having high standards, but with absolutely no offense intended: I don't want my doctor to remember my birthday and my favorite color! I want them to remember my name and my last diagnosis. Remembering things takes up space, and our memory's capacity is limited. I don't want anyone to waste their precious precious memory to to give me the warm and fuzzies when I see my physician. A friendly smile and agreeable behavior will suffice plenty. Please do not ruin your own motivation with completely overblown expectations of yourself!

  5. Thank you so much for talking the importance of story telling also in health career. You’re great. Lovely watching and listening to you here on the top of Italian mountain.

  6. And this looses all value when she makes it into an efin business again! Wtf with north Americans? Can they do something for free? Can this woman help others she knows are in need, FOR FREE? How will it help if those trying to heal have to PAY someone to hear their stories? If this woman really and Truly wants to help let her do it for FREE! If not she does not deserve My admiration, but judged as just another "business man", profiting out of other's sufferings with the pathetic facade of being "humanitarian" and "helpful"… Let's do real change and stop making EVERYTHING INTO A PROFIT MAKING MACHINE!! Money is a MEANS NOT A GOAL, AND cannot be men's only motivation in life, that's just sick!

  7. See how she recognised we it! If she was doing it for the Right reasons, could she FORGET WH she is doing what she is doing?? She only forgets because the REAL reason she does what she does he s MONEY AND PRIDE OR GREED AND PRIDE, if not there is no way a True Hu-man could forget the reasons why one does what one does.

  8. Physicians is a great job to do and even tho they need a doctors too, cause sometimes they put them in highly risks to save other people and the latter often forget to say "thank you" which is a simple do , and lemme tell you we don't need you to gratitude us we just need respect .