The hidden power of smiling | Ron Gutman

The hidden power of smiling | Ron Gutman

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  1. Prophet muhammed over 1400 years ago said " your smile in the face of your brother is a charity".

    One of his companions even mentiones " I have not seen anyone smile more than the messenger of Allah"

    (Allah is arabic for God)

    Blessings to all who spread a smile and enlighten broken people.

  2. I think people who say smiling is a sign of weakness are weak. They're weak because they're afraid of showing their emotion. ( in just the same way I would consider an individual weak for not showing any emotion regardless of what it is.) They're weak because they refuse to evolve beyond their animalistic instinct. They're weak because they deny themselves that which gives themselves happiness, and triggers endorphins in their brain. They're weak because they let others tell them how to think, and that their natural reaction situations through an emotional process is wrong. More so given that the response is not a destructive aspect in nature. So when somebody says smiling is sign of weakness, I instantly acknowledge they are a weak person. Smiling is an indication of happiness, and the fact of the matter is a weak person believes they can do everything by themselves. A strong person admits they are not invincible, and requires the assistance of others. Therefore smiling to show friendliness to others is strength. Because the fact of the matter is we all need one another in some way shape and or form. Even if you live alone in society you still depend on the goods, and services of other people. Even if you live out in nature you still depend on the existence a resources in nature, and simply by default you depend on your parents for existence. So people need to get over themselves, and accept we need one another. Existence requires dependence.

  3. Some research says that yes smiling can give off neuropeptides. Even forced smiles. Although sometimes I don't think it's going to work because we clearly have negative emotions to protect ourselves and they hold value. What I would like to do is experiment with a smile fart combo and see how that goes over. Especially in public

  4. On this subject, the happiest years of my life were the years I smiled round the clock and practised daily gratitude. I was on cloud nine all the time, resilient at the face of life's hurdles, had endless energy and vitality, and turned everything I touched into a blessing.

    I can vouch for what he's preaching, as I've been there done that and am speaking from practical experience/wisdow backing it up.