The Deepening of Consciousness

The Deepening of Consciousness

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  1. Finally the deep of the real person has nothing to do with emotions, feelings and words, this things have been here for ever as beings and will always be we use them in our needs but no get carried away with them and peoples unconscious rambling of emotions, feelings and thoughts.

  2. Lieber Eckhart, ich höre zur Zeit ganz viel dein Hörbuch "Jetzt" und freue mich, dich "fast" live auch hier auf YT zu sehen. Ich weiß, dass du nicht mehr im deutschssprachigen Raum lebst aber es wäre total cool, wenn einige der eingestellten Videos Videos in deutscher Sprache wären… Ich mag deine Art zu Reden und zu Lachen =) und sehe mir deshalb auch die englischen an… Den Inhalt verstehe ich aber leider nicht weil mein Englisch zu schlecht ist. Deshalb mein Wunsch oben.
    Herzliche Grüße!

  3. Love Eckhart. Sometimes I think about the contradiction of being happy now and working towards goals and achievements. Sometimes those two endeavours seem at odds because if you're happy now then you don't need to create any change in the future. But ultimately I don't think there is anything wrong with working towards goals, you just need to realize those things won't make you happy and that you need to be happy in the moment.

  4. I like Eckhart a lot and I can agree on most of the things he is talking about. What I don't understand is his whole body language. If someone is very connected with the now, s/he is also highly connected with his or her body. Eckharts body language shows that he is not very connected with his body. This makes me wonder what is going on.

  5. This is a very good vignette… it tells how just by observing your thoughts and feelings as they occur can release you from their grip. Not enlightment, but still a whole new dimension in human behavior. Just this one thing has made a huge difference in my life.

  6. He's made a nice living on this idea that you need to become what you are now or get to where you are now. There is no becoming when it comes to now. Consciousness is never unconscious.

  7. Everyone loves the idea of consciousness but the truth is we are our thoughts and opinions. This oneness with the universe and we're all connected with birds and bees is not true. There is an "I" and it's very real. Not everyone is egotistical, selfish and heartless.