Spiritual Awakening in Daily Life: A 20 Minute Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

Spiritual Awakening in Daily Life: A 20 Minute Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

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Are you looking at the world solely through the veil of your thoughts? In this meditation, Eckhart offers us a liberating alternative to perceiving life from the point of view of the mind.

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  1. My children are adults now but over time I became aware that I had been a "good" parent but as I felt I had missed their soul. This makes sense !
    I was so serious about being a good parent, healthy, polite, compliant and conditioned children run by do or don't do conversations!
    The paradox is that "good" parenting was the essence of ""bad" parenting. Fortunately we all came through and are able to do better. Thank you Eckhart.

  2. Be aware of your essence that transcends your person. This is the most important thing in life. It underlies your senses.
    Thanks Eckhart. ??‍♂️?⚓??????

  3. Presence which cannot be perceived through the senses is what matters.
    There is nothing for you to do except being who you are beyond the personality, realize the stillness in you that has nothing to do with your personality and its problems. A large part of your personality consists of your problems.
    Thanks Eckhart. ??‍♂️?⚓??????

  4. Real satisfaction is discovering the transcendence with you, realizing who you are beyond form and person. It is about being it, not merely understanding it.
    Thanks Eckhart. ??‍♂️?⚓??????

  5. Eckhart Tolle has given us much; however, there is more. Spinoza and Gurdjieff’s teachings give us keys how to awaken our intuitive mind to understand the nature of our ego, then freedom from ego is possible. WayofSpinoza

  6. n the flip side, like Be, I disagree with Tolle’s
    sense that “inner work” alone will somehow solve the systemic misery
    that plagues so many in this world. Having read a fair amount of his
    writing, and listened to some of his talks, I find his general approach
    to be far too individualistic in focus for my taste. Not only is social
    and political action downplayed or dismissed outright, but you rarely
    hear talk about communities, serving others, or anything else associated
    with being together in groups. Just as is true of a lot of American
    convert Buddhism,in Tolle’s writing you can’t help but notice how
    heavily individual psychology and psychological theories color what’s
    being said.

    Beyond all that, there’s the fierce, capitalist
    machine behind Tolle’s work to contend with. Nearly everything this guy
    touches these days is being turned into a product intended for “your
    awakening,” and I don’t get the sense that he has any problem with that.
    In fact, I think the packaging of Tolle as a non-threatening spiritual
    guru has not only lead to wildly higher sales and spreading of his
    message, but also wholesale rejection of his work by those like myself
    actively resisting capitalism, colonialism, and the commodification of
    spiritual practice.