“Smarter than Tesla and Einstein” (ALIVE)

“Smarter than Tesla and Einstein” (ALIVE)

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  1. Imagine living in a world where they withhold everything good and display and push everything that helps us to self destruct. What the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK? Heartless doesn't even begin to define it.

  2. A little skeptical of this dude. If he is really for the betterment of mankind. And he has access to this information. You could have easily leaked it out. For God's sake they leak out everything else. Even if they came and did away with him or he " disappears" That sacrifice would be worth it according to his teachings. He did say he died at 17 already. Plus again sacrifice one for the betterment of billions sounds like a pretty noble cause. If he's truly altruistic. He would have done it

  3. Any entities that have power (healing, etc) and somewhat promise to save our world which take us away from Jesus, the true Son of God, is the enemy of the true God and is foretold in prophecies such as Revelation. The CE5 movement is a revival of the Mahareshi movement. Mahareshi did not have a pure heart; he asked me for $250 to learn levitation.

  4. If you know who he is say it , these people always got secrets, everything they know is secret. Steven Greer why don't you stop and tell us your secrets .
    People have these wild stories and confidential informants .
    "Dude I was told by a very special informant I know , I cant say his name I don't want him to get.killed , ""he told me blah blah blah had him over for dinner blah blah secret meeting blah blah blah CIA blah blah, I could be killed blah blah "".. if anyone actually knew of something like this and could prove it they would expose it .
    Hey Steven what are some of this guys patents?? Confirm your story ??

  5. Oh my god you people actually believe this?!? I thought it was gonna be a ouss take.

    If they had that tech they'd be using it. You know Greer charges 5 to 7 grand to take people out to a spot only he knows about and has planes fly with lights off and use flares to trick people into thinking they've had CE5 experiences? (It's been proven he used planes, the pilot was caught) And he makes the people he takes out sign NDAs so they can't tell other people that it's bullshit.

  6. Back to the nature..
    Hopefully Dr. Greer will start to advise us not create anything anymore so that we can save ourselfs from the opportunists which is also the result of our biggest ego "look what have i done"

  7. The issue is that Dr Greer charges for everything – he charges for access to his website group while he produces no new news and nearly no video or audio content, he charges $5000.00 or more per person (probably per night) to participate in a ce5 event with his group, he charges for the ce5 app, he charges for viewership of his documentaries, etc – it's endless. He is living well high on the hog on a large property in TBE mountains — who do you think pays for that and everything else. Then go to Greers YouTube channel – he rarely posts and most of the posts on there are shorts to advertise for what he is selling for money. That's the reality. It's all about money. Period. If anyone wants to communicate with Greer it will only happen if you pay him enough or if he knows you can lead a huge paying fan base to him so they'll pay him enough. And still he creates nothing 99 percent of the months of the year while his lifestyle does not diminish. It's to the point literally were ets could repeatedly and regularly land on a property and visit openly with the property owner in a predictable pattern and Dr Greer would not even speak to that property owner, much less drop in at any point, unless the property owner paid Dr Greer ENOUGH. I can imagine it would cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars to entice Dr Greer to meet with live aliens at anyone's place and probably only then if he could bring a crowd of others charging them at least $20,000 or more a piece to visit as well. Again — it's about money for him and not much else. Ets if that's what he's seeing must know this by now and continue a test because the military complex is worse??

  8. I was having some trouble recently calming manifestation.guide the voices in my mind during my morning meditation. him has a wonderful Scottish accent and a very calming voice. Thanks to his meditation CD's I have gotten back on track and feel a big difference in my meditation practice.

  9. A great change is coming to the political community. And intelligence community. Even though it's already happened and the government is totally stupid about it. They can't stop it it's too late for that. And they won't be able to track. Or trace when and where it's coming from.

  10. CE 5 IS VERY DANGEROUS ! you might as well get a ouija board out … ive been researching since 1975 …..nothing good ,just weapons of war and occult secret societies have came from this ….these beings lie lie and lie again. dr greer is very intelligent , but he has totally been deceived to think these so called aliens mean us any good . they are shapeshifting beings ,demonic masters of deception……the name of YESHUA /JESUS THE CHRIST …STOPPES THEM IN THEIR TRACKS ….NO MORE ALIEN HYBRID ABDUCTION …THEY WANT TO HIDE FROM THEIR CREATOR …SO YOU KNOW THEY COMMITTED TERRIBLE CRIMES ON EARTH. PRAY FOR GREER TO USE HIS KNOWLEDGE TO TELL THE SECRET OF THE UAPs . usa/nazi craft we have ….but we are talking about fallen angels /seraphim -fiery dragons /ophanim wheels within wheels. vimana ,on and on and on . now some are the good holy angels on our side . they operate differently than these liars .

  11. Hi, Inspired. Who's watching this July, 2022. Yes!! respect to Dr Greer. Had watched his Movie "Unacknowledged" on YTube, a must watch. I know exactly where I was in 1969, with the Straw Man, a Future Debtor with the rest of Humanity. When the Lunar Module landed on the Fake Moon. It's a hollowed out Planetoid. When you close your eyes at night looking at the Fake Moon. It's in your head. Not in mine. Saturn, another of the "Failures" There's heaps of "Failures" just have to look at them "Master Race" on Trial at the Nuremberg. How's that going for them NOT. That's a Bold Statement Inspired. Smarter than Tesla & Einstein. For starters Tesla was never in the corruption elite. Failures. He was funded by the Known Donators, they know who they are. As for Einstein, he was funded by the Criminals, as we have come to know as "FAILURES". Tesla quote: I don't care that they stole my ideas. I care that they don't have any of their own. Which one does that no body fit into. Very Bold & Very Stupid. Back to the Vid. Love is Beyond the Straw Man. Peace Out.