Should You Join The Military After High School? l Q&A 086

Should You Join The Military After High School? l Q&A 086

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Q&A 086
Today’s question of the day come from YoungBoy Anime who asked “Is it good to join the military after High School?”

Let me share with you my opinion on this matter.
Quick summery
There is no right or wrong answer here. Watch my video as I explain what I mean.

Hey! Make sure you follow me on my Instagram for cool behind the scene of the work life balance of a sailor!

The Frugal Sailor

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  1. could you make a video explaining how you choose to get paid in the military: what bank you choose, do they choose for you, how to automatically get a portion of your paycheck deposited into a savings, and other tips. thanks

  2. justyoon, back with another question. currently im a member at kitsap credit union in washington, but im having trouble deciding if i should keep this or swap to navy federal when i leave for basic. i know you probs know nothing about kcu, but what should i be looking for in a bank / credit union to help me decide which is better for my goals. (saving 1 k a month minimum)

  3. Have you made a video about saving money? I haven’t seen all your catalog but I have trouble keeping $1000

    I don’t if it’s me, or If ishould not buy anything or just to write a plan for saving/spending ????

  4. I recently decided to join the Navy and I am a little bit confused about this question, should I keep my apartment where I am living right now or move out completely since I will be staying at the boot camp for 3 month or so, the other question is can I bring all my stuff like closings, shoes basically my personal stuff to the boot camp???

  5. Another advantage of waiting, instead of joining right out of high school, is the military cracking down on under age drinking. A legacy of the Reagan administration during the 1980's. Before then, beer was available on base, for those at least 18. Not anymore.

  6. For those of you already enlisted, you can always become a warrant officer or an LDO (limited duty officer) if you want to move up from enlisted.