Program Your Mind While You Sleep | Dr. Bruce Lipton

Program Your Mind While You Sleep | Dr. Bruce Lipton

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  1. I think my theta wave is missing. I did all I could to reprogram my subconc, nothing happened. Even I recorded my voice affirmations and listened it before sleep, i prayed, i ordered my subconc everyday, .. I have just big ZERO progress.

  2. اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا ومولانا محمد عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

  3. Não precisa ir a um bom Hipnoterapeuta se seu subconsciente não estiver lotado de programas carregados com alta intensidade emocional. As novas sugestões só se tornarão novos programas mentais se superarem as que já estão instaladas. Dessensibilizando essas programações anteriores, aí sim ouvir áudios ao dormir poderão ter bons efeitos.

  4. What does he really mean by putting the program of what you want to become in your ear at night.
    I want to become a video editor and logo designer, should I put the video editing and logo designing courses into my ear at night??

  5. Umm I love you Bruce but please don't tell people not to see a Hypnotherapist. We do important work. That's like telling people not to read your book. You put your blood, sweat, and tears into your work to educate and help people. So do we. Please don't undervalue what we do, when we're helping people achieve less suffering and improved programming.

  6. No wonder the news comes on early in the morning and in the evening, with stories of war, viruses, murders etc. they know what we are, we are creators, they program our subconscious mind with this garbage. Which ultimately creates our reality., not to mention the movies, music etc… Time to reprogram what we want to happen, and not what the system (matrix) wants

  7. He might be a good doctor but very bad at teaching.the way he talks people won't understand it much . subconscious mind is basically a daily routine turn in to daily habits ,you can plan your day the night before and he done task accordingly.

  8. It's being in alignment with who you really are. It's NOT them… It's YOU
    You were IN alignment before you met him/,her. Or you wouldn't have met…… And anyone would do ,?

    Then you slip out of alignment and they look like someone else
    You changed. Not them…

  9. A hard to follow video that I don't agree with on many points. I believe it may be the truth except when it comes to the decline of the honeymoon phase. That phase may not be on the part of the mind. It could just be that couples got used to the love. You see that specific time is NOT meant to last. If it were to last we would be too hyper and giddy to get anything done. In other words prolonging that time would make us act unnatural.

  10. Oldman? It doesn't mean he is right, it's not In our control, we can't change anything with that sht life is fixed life like a dog and the day of judgment answer all pass or fail according to your deeds that's all

  11. Well I’ve meditated for 30 minutes everyday whilst mentally trying to program thoughts and behaviors into my brain. I’ve done this for 3 months and I’ve seen no change for the better. How about we just accept the fact that some of us are simply doomed in life and got unlucky with our circumstances and the behaviors we created.