PORN: The Digital Cocaine (w/ Jordan Peterson & Andrew Huberman)

PORN: The Digital Cocaine (w/ Jordan Peterson & Andrew Huberman)

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  1. You can eliminate porn by being:

    1) being mindful. Observe your mind. Observe your compulsive patterns. Your triggers when you want to escape. And watch porn.
    2) convince yourself with story that your whole life is mess because of porn. Just ditch it. Porn is root cause of all mishap.
    3) Avoid stimulations like instagram "naked models"

  2. This video is spreading false I formation but I'm not reporting it because it may be innocent or geographically different in places. But therapists will not help with porn, insurance won't cover it either

  3. I just wanted to share my 10 extra tips to INCREASE your daily manifestations for abundance that I’ve learned over the years..

    1. Practice gratitude every morning. When you wake up, list everything that you are grateful for and feel that gratitude in your core. Feel free to write things down in a journal so it is easy for you to remember.
    2. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Every time you feel a negative thought coming on, make a positive spin on it right away.
    3. Take ownership for things that happen in your life. It's easy to blame others however you will feel much better when you realize that most issues stem from us.
    4. ALWAYS believe that good things are about to happen. By being open to new possibilities you are inviting abundance into your life.
    5. Remember that like attracts like so you get back whatever you put out, whether it is good or bad. So do good AND received good.
    6. Meditate for five minutes a day. During this time focus on how you want your life to be; but place your focus on how you feel AND feel that feeling as if you have already accomplished those goals.
    7. Step outside of your comfort zone. Stop playing it safe and make that decision to finally go for your dreams.
    8. Focus on activities that make you feel truly happy. When you are truly happy you have the best vibrational frequency to manifest your desires.
    9. Avoid the naysayers and surround yourself with people who only lift you higher. Downers will be downers, don't let them drag you into their misery.
    10. Don't be afraid to dream and know that you are always supported by the universe.

    Hope this helps!

  4. It was interesting to see the word 'escapism' mentioned. What are those things that a person might want to escape from, that leads them to porn, alcohol or drugs addiction? The answers may provide clues as to why the excesses are now like crutches or comfort blankets. Face the fears, put the urges in perspective and live a healthier life! May we always know that God is with us all, AMEN ??

  5. I believe porn is responsible for domestic violence and other abusive behaviors. Also porn websites are in the top Ten most visited websites on the internet… I am baffled that more people do not realize that everything we read and consume as humans affects our mental health on some level. Wondering how long it will take before people in charge of these porn sites are held accountable for their direct and indirect impact on so many people’s mental health.

  6. Kudos to all you guys fighting this addiction! I have lost my spouse to this fantasy world and he experienced all these symptoms. He got in trouble with authorities too. They are finally clamping down on underage viewing, thank god, because human sex trafficking – I can think of nothing more horrifying.

  7. Please Do make videos on how viewers are desensitised to bad Incidents in the society… How they become inert to the incidents.. They don't respond even to calls for help… Due to densitisation occurred out of repeated watching of several bad Incidents on the media !!

  8. It's different for me.
    I keep a folder of it nearby and when I see that folder I have the options to either open it or not.
    All these years trying to hide it does just that giving it leverage for a sneak attack.
    Might not work for everyone. Some people might just see the folder and start drooling and throbbing like a steam train

  9. The only way out, I repeat, the ONLY WAY OUT is the Lord Jesus!!! Nor matter the science you will explain behind it, JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO DELIVRANCE AND FULFILMENT IN LIFE. Him alone has destroyed the power of Sin… Pornography is not a relaxation or an adaptive mechanism to cope with life, but it is a SIN. It destroys man from within and deprives him of basic common sense. He gets to the point where abnormal things become normal. The worst part of it is that he opens doors to demons, that's why it is so addictive. Education and psychology cannot provide a permanent solution to it.

  10. :55 Son unos de los mejores conciertos ❤? Topgirls.Uno ?
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
    15:55 #Flower
    15:55 Megan: ''Hotter''
    15:55 Hopi: ''Sweeter''
    15:55 Joonie: ''Cooler''
    15:55 Yoongi: ''Butter''
    15:55 #Amber

    15:55 Son unos de los mejores conciertos, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente ?
    hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado por la vida dura que se vive hoy… ?
    tus.admiradores ?

  11. I realize, all vlogs are similar, no matter the creator. I guess, they took a course or they know people, helping them. Nowadays, fletnix is the new porn. Women learn how to reject a friendly partner, trying to be part of the mietoe mentality. After a while, the lady looses feeling, and makes it look, as if it is, because her partner. The possitive part of porn, is you can be satisfied, without real sex. You can have real sex, without any pressure. Often, the man prevers more often intercorse. Enjoying nice porn, may let your relation last longer. Most of the porn, is based on lust, I never liked. There are nice porn movies, from which you can learn.

  12. Trauma is one of the reasons why i suffer from this awful addiction i feel like I'm being punished for going through the trauma with this addiction i feel very little hope

  13. That’s because most medical doctors are taught the same old crap that has not been updated they need to re write what they teach in medical school so many general doctors are bad at there job

  14. Someone once said if your addicted to porn/masterbation turn to christ, read the Bible and understand him and you'll see your life turn exponentially

  15. I believe there is a link between an undeveloped/damage brain and porn watching. Has not been that long before science realised that alcohol consumed when a woman is pregnant damages a babies brain development. Even a little, can can cause an child/teen/adult to be an implusive deviate. Many expectant mothers did drink alcohol, some even fed their baby a little bit of whiskey to get baby to sleep, and maybe what we are seeing are many generations of porn watches with defected brains? As soon as people can cognitively understand their watching of porn is of a damaged/defected brain, the sooner they can control their behaviour. Sex is not a thing where we have to watch women who themeselves come from troubled backgrounds or even forced into the sex industy as slaves to perform in footage at all. A loving relationship is far more important.

  16. Im still a porn addict im happy that ive seen this video and i will start my journey on quitiing porn for good tho its hard everyone pray for is really a serious issue ?

  17. What about people who use porn is because there is no one in their lives? Some of us are terminally unattractive and lack the ability/desire to change. Prof Peterson admitted that in cultures where porn is easily accessible there are fewer sexual assaults. Instead of highlighting he negatives, we might be better off erasing the social stigma attached to porn and see it as a benefit to womankind. If porn makes you less likely to look for a real outlet for sexual desire, then it also serves as an effective, non-invasive means of birth control.

  18. It's the no 1 relationship slayer…Not to mention the heaviness of the guilt being carried around because of the shame in not being able to reach out, like a drug or alcohol abuser would…It's a very insidious addiction where the majority of users suffer in silence and the minority get help

  19. 3:23 Hermosa elección Likexxx.UnO
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

    10:10 Hopi:
    11:12 Sun:
    00:18 Joonie:
    18:00 Yoongy:
    23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos
    mañas no se la

    Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir ''oh, esto es hermoso'' a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genial.