Peter Attia: What if we're wrong about diabetes?

Peter Attia: What if we're wrong about diabetes?

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  1. I've read a lot of articles to learn more about diabetes, but this is the clearest explanation I've ever seen!
    I also tried gluconizecom, which you can find online. It actually reduced the pain I experienced from my diabetes and improves my daily mood.

  2. Thanks TED ! for this amazing event got to know about diabetes a lot … actually I'm also a type 2 diabetes student .. i can feel that pain how it actually feel .. my mom is a doctor .. one day she recommended me a product called Gluconize( u can google it) & it work like a charm.. u guys can use it too..

  3. My heart will remain grateful Dr Igudia till forever,for the medical attention you showed me when I was battling with my Diabetes you showed care in every way,and with the help of your herbal medication I was deeply shocked to see it work
    My heartiest gratitude to Dr Igudia

  4. Been diabetic for 23 years. Have eaten strict keto (25 carbs or less per day) for 5 years. Have done 15 seven day water fasts and everything in between. Still diabetic. A1C is/was about 6.2. Didn't lose weight. Been doing carnivore since January of 2023. Looking forward to my next A1c on April fools.?? That being aaid, I will NEVER eat outside of carnivore (mainly) or keto. I will ALWAYS fast. No meds … feel GREAT. Follow his advice.

  5. After so many years of suffering from Diabetes I was finally able to put an end to my type 2 Diabetes. after I came across Dr.Igudia on YouTube who cured me with his natural herbs supplements.

  6. If that were my late mom, she'd say "thank you!" She had all kinds of amputations before her passing. You are an angel! Much love and blessings to you Doctor! You are a TRUE DOCTOR!

  7. Today we know he was right. Unfortunately, wheat and sugar industry is enormous, these substances are in 90% of the products in a grocery stores. There is no financial interest to massively decrease our simple carba intake. It took 50 or more years to ban cigarette ads, despite being well known harmful. Who would dare put a restriction on bread and chocolate bars?!

  8. Lack of outdoor sunshine Vitamin D. The traffic cop of the gut. Tremendous more heap corn syrupt just to name the biggest culprits. Look at WoodstockWoodstock videos.Most look so heslthy.

  9. Thanks Peter. Type 1 of 25 years. I've done irreversible damage, and it was all my own fault. But I've decided to start taking care of myself, and because of you, I know how. I've started remaining in ketosis for long periods of time. These doctors who won't recognize that eating 3 meals a day and eating sugar is harmful are killing us, and something needs to be done about it/them.

  10. Dr. Bernstein helped my diabetes and my endocrinologist didn't like what I was doing. Didn't ever see my BG as good as following his advice. Thank you for your thoughts. Still very reverent today. ❤️

  11. Answer: until you find out exactly the mechanism behind diabetes and all these diseases, how about doing what historical has worked for tens of thousands of years: EAT NATURAL. How do you know if the thing you're about to shove down your trap, did it grow from the ground? Or was it pumped out of a factory? Simple as that.