Personal Development Tools | Robin Sharma

Personal Development Tools | Robin Sharma

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  1. he always suggests solutions for the contemporary problems with the ancient Personal Development techniques taught in Indian Culture…I don't know if he is an Indian breed…but his books will have an Indian flavor mixed with a universally accepted nativity. Even though all Indians know about the basic form of his teachings …his style of presentation makes the difference…Thanks Sharma…..

  2. hey thanks for correcting me….:-)……and everybody is here to do serious business and donating money is purely a personal concern and its not that he has to donate money because he is an indian or a hindu….

  3. Everything in your life comes from inside, not outside; everything comes from your mind, even your looks. I knew it before RS, from personal experience, because I'm 72, I look as I am 5o,and I'm in love. You know, he is not the only one who studied zen budhism, but his merit is that he is spreading it.
    Regards to everyone.

  4. Of course, everything goes from inside, from your mind. I know it from my personal experience, because I'm 72, look as I am 50, and I'm in love. RS obviously studied
    zen budhism, but he is not the only one. His merit is for spreading it.
    Regards to everyone.

  5. I am so internally grateful for this coach and mentor in my life. His books hold a wealthy, life time of learning and being true to yourself. Are you living your life on your own terms?
    Incredible tools. Be more concerned with adding value than making money, serving greatly, more abundance will come! Thank-you to my incredible life time coach!

  6. The greatest coach/mentor and life teacher, forever grateful to Robin Sharma. There is a lifetime of wisdom in these books. This is a great read – The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO. I encourage everyone to good all Robin's books, read them, study them re-read them and practice his teachings every day in your life! thank-you Robin, eternally grateful. Live our life wisely, open up our heart and serve greatly!

  7. It's amazing. Robin over a decade ago is strikingly similar to the Robin of today. I believe that's called authenticity. integrity and strength of character.