Peak Performance Expert – Steven Kotler – Shares Secrets On How To Improve Your Focus

Peak Performance Expert – Steven Kotler – Shares Secrets On How To Improve Your Focus

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✅Learn the peak performance secrets used by the world’s top performers in this 100% FREE masterclass by Steven Kotler. Click here now:??

Peak performance: How to improve focus

In this video, Steven Kotler shares the top 15 things that peak performers know about focus that most people don’t. When you watch this video, you’ll discover how to focus, how to improve your focus and concentration spans over time, and how to shortcut your way into paying attention.

In this video, you will learn what you need for peak performance and what to do to get into a flow state of mind. Steven Kotler clearly describes flow state triggers, goal setting techniques, and other habits you can use to maximize peak performance. Are you interested in blowing your productivity through the roof? Watch this video now.

About Steven Kotler:

✅Steven Kotler is one of the world’s leading peak performance experts. He is the New York Times bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-nominated author of books like Stealing Fire and The Rise of Superman, and a highly sought-after trainer and speaker with clients including Google, Cisco, Deloitte, a stable of professional athletes, and the US Special Forces. Bestselling author of books like Stealing Fire and The Rise of Superman, and a highly sought-after trainer and speaker with clients including Google, Cisco, Deloitte, a stable of professional athletes, and the US Special Forces.

✅Back in his thirties, Steven was an award-winning journalist with a promising career ahead of him. Then he contracted Lyme disease, which not only destroyed his career’s momentum – but attacked his neurological wellbeing; leaving him depressed, defeated, and suicidal.

✅Steven’s life was saved on the day his friends persuaded him to go surfing. While he caught the waves in the ocean, something amazing happened: he felt the thick mental fog of his illness lifting for the first time, as he entered a state of heightened clarity, focus, and performance – which many now know as ‘flow’.

✅This experience was Steven’s turning point. A stubbornly scientific thinker, he committed his life to understanding and mastering this mysterious state of consciousness, and others like it.

About the masterclass: “The Science Of Extraordinary Performance.”

You’ll learn:

The path to passion model – How to do more in less time so that you can thrive but be less busy and have more time for yourself.

How to unleash fun and freedom in your life – The secret to tap into states of flow so hard work ‘disappears’ and what you once called work becomes effortless and fun.

The mysterious formula for creativity – A simple way to generate better ideas so you can tap into inspiration and creativity and unleash your inner genius.

3 ways to master life’s challenges with ease – The elegant way to overcome roadblocks and sail across them without breaking down.

The extinction of the One Act Life – Discover how to thrive in a world where top performers constantly reinvent themselves. The era of staying in one career or company for the rest of our lives is OVER.

Are you, like 87% of Americans, uninspired by your job? – Here’s the simple 60-minute exercise you can do daily to reclaim a career that satisfies, rewards, and thrills you.

A simple process for constant growth – How to continuously become the best version of yourself so that every single year on your birthday, you’re celebrating a better, stronger, wiser you.

FREE masterclass: Enhance your productivity with this 100% FREE peak performance masterclass from Steven Kotler. Click here now:?


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  1. Nowadays parents are main problem for people. They don't support and allow to do anything and live life they want. They also behave very badly with them. That is one of main reason children leave them when they grew up.
    You should make video on this topic.

  2. Is it ridiculous to say that we are talking about optimal homeostatic solutions for humans? Can’t that simply be found an evidence-based best practice life skills and language to make sense of our world for ourselves and common sense about world with others? Isn’t the concept of flow nothing more than our evidence-based best practice life skills equaling our life challenges? And it’s our life challenges grow into life complexities, doesn’t our life skills need to grow into life understanding?

  3. Peak Performance:
    1. the realization that life is never going to be anything more or less than what you choose to make of it. absolutely for sure that we can
    absolutely be certain about the first is that we get one shot at this life we know that for sure maybe we get more

    maybe we don't
    but we know for sure that we got one

    shot at this life we also know we're

    going to spend about a third of it

    which tells us that the only real

    question is

    what do we do with the remaining two-thirds?

    That's the only question
    that matters and what peak performers

    have figured out
    is that there's no magic pill

    nothing spectacular is ever going to

    happen from them i was just talking to
    2. There are no shortcuts
    there is quite simply getting

    your biology to work

    for you rather than against you that is

    everything we mean

    by peak performance
    3. personality doesn't scale,

    biology scales.
    4. what
    works for me is almost guaranteed not to

    for you
    5. peak performance always starts

    with the tension and focus
    6. on habit and attention and he thinks

    those two levers

    habit and attention are the biggest

    levers we have

    to achieve peak performance he points

    out that

    reality what we call reality is nothing


    or less than whatever you agree to

    focus and attention is a


    7. what the research shows is if you really want peak performance
    you need to be doing your hardest work 
    during 90 to 120 minute blocks of uninterrupted concentration now these are biological blocks of concentration the brain is built to focus for about 90-minute blocks in fact that's the same reason we dream

    "Match quality basically says that if you

    look at peak performers

    there is a really tight match between

    the work they do
    their personality and their values"

    five internal motivators that peak performers try to stack so they can get focused for free:
    – curiosity, which if you can amplify it up can become a passion if you can detach your passion to a cause that is greater than yourself and outside yourself
    – goal setting techniques are other ways of framing problems and driving focus and they're also ways of saying no to things, clear goals lower cognitive load.

    flow's most important trigger is known as the challenge skills

    flow follows focus it only shows up when all of our attention is in the right here

  4. Flow….. Motivation creativity goes through the roof for 90 to 120 minutes

    Apply flow triggers leads to more flow

    Flow focus

    Dopamine enhance focus

    Lower cognitive load

    Schedule to do list


    Distraction management

    Uninterrupted time 2 hours

    Sometimes there might be unfocus days
    Can’t fight attention
    Peak performance allows them to be distracted but still the task will inspire

    Pay more attention

    500 words per day

    Master move fear and anxiety as a driver a compass

    Fear gives focus for free, what scares them the most

    Business book that didn’t suck

    Not confusing
    Not boring
    Not arrogant

    Primary flow activity- skiing, martial arts …..

    Flow is a focusing skill

    The more flow the more flow

    Train the brain to get into flow

  5. Flow State can be an amazing tool and it helps people achieve some amazing things but so many people forget that there's a conscious level to it. You still have to be able or have a skill set in something for it to even activate. It doesn't really give you any more ability than you already have. In other words your Flow State only a unlocks the potential you have in things that you've already practiced/consciously absorbed that you don't have to think about and you can simply just do. So in layman's terms just zone out and do something you know very well. welcome to Flow State don't think just feel and do just don't get mad when you realize it's not ultra instinct you still have to actually be remarkable for your Flow State to be remarkable

  6. "There are no shortcuts. There are no hacks." A statement that completely contradicts an entire address he gave on a MindValley event that I just watched.

  7. 6:00 habits, fears, attention
    Match quality, the work, personality, values Ofcourse your curiosity and passions too, proper goals and levels of it, sag way into it, leverage fear, do your primary flow activity for transitioning later easier

    Stress?? Chunk it! And pre plan more/exacter. Use panoramic view. Fav memory. Physiological sigh. Double kumbha
    Preventative is the 6 he teaches: sleep, friends, exercise, hydration, sun etc. Gratitude feel the feeling, mindfulness