Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell – Animation

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell – Animation

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  1. I'm sorry you're expecting to get $5000 dollars a minute for "animation" where you have 2d cartoon drawings? Mate, be realistic. No-one is going to pay you that much when your lips don't even move, your characters stand still and your "animations" are as "animated" as PowerPoint slides. Besides I thought you majored as a doctor not an animator – either "sharpen the saw" or don't expect the world from something you don't put as much effort to produce. You're not exactly producing Frozen 4 now are you?

  2. In the book, Malcolm never mentions Wayne Getzky. Who was recorded by his father playing Hockey when he started walking and practiced for hours as a child.

    Another point, Wayne's birthday January 26th, anyone who has read the first few chapters knows what I mean

  3. It's funny, actually the book is talking about how luck/history/upbringing/cultural conditioning define success, whereas this book "review" is making an opposite point that hard work will lead you to success.

  4. But you forgot to mention, the book emphasizes if you were born at the right place at the right time… along with the people that supports during your practice you will make even more success from the start.

  5. Talent is NOT overrated. It’s misunderstood. Talent is you telling yourself to do this thing, because you need to find something that is hidden within it or connected to it. THAT is the purpose of talent. Your soul is guiding you, nudging you toward where your karma can be resolved.

  6. The idea that the ONLY factor between world-class and mediocre is the number of hours of practice is patently suspect. That thinking is for those who are afraid to look over the edge of the box. There are many lateral thinking avenues for exceeding the typical.

  7. 10000 hr rule is covered here but the book says a lot more about how this rule alone won’t you make you successful. So yeah putting 10000 hrs will make you an expert but converting that to success in life in a different thing

  8. Thanks for your work and time you put into making this. However, the background music is so disturbing. I have a hard time listening to your voice because of this.