Nikola Tesla Was Doing It Before Sleep! TRY IT TONIGHT!

Nikola Tesla Was Doing It Before Sleep! TRY IT TONIGHT!

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  1. This is true called the minds eye ? it’s A holy thing in a way lots of Cultures believed the study of dreams was Devine The pineal glad studies are Awesome we produce DMT while we sleep it’s what causes us to dream some form of astral projection I call it dream walking kinda known as lucid dreaming it’s out of this world DMT is used to enlighten us to a full time understanding of awareness of who we are in God it’s a form of illumination and we are to pray as a people to get a better understanding of this cause we’re all connected to that Devine with in the kingdom of Heaven our Body’s are temples don’t be ashamed to lean and grow and trust in the lord let the spirit guide you and always pray ?

  2. Most people don’t breath properly we are under stress so we breathe to shallow and quickly take the time to breathe In 10 seconds hold for 10 seconds and breathe out for 10 seconds you will notice big difference

  3. this kind of over-produced garbage video is what discredits real reality… I quit after I heard the deep voice with the reberb… if you want to make a point, use regular audio & conform the picture to what's being said.

  4. McCartney had muscial knowledge to write yesterday, and besides beatles tunes were ghost written by an intel group– not "the beatles" who could not have possibly created what they did without british intelligence ops

  5. Did you ever see what he looked like the last few years of his life? Go look at some pictures of him, one of his writings he said I don't know what frequency made me look like this…

  6. I tell myself, I will lucid dream tonight, over and over for a few minutes before I sleep.
    And at other times I tell myself, I shall remember my dreams tonight, over and over for a few minutes.
    These techniques work for me, it is hit and miss but I am new to the practice.

  7. before i was 8 years old i had all ways lucid dreaming every night when i had gone to sleep not only did i have lucid dreames but it was all ways in color. then i had lost how to do lucid dreams when i was 8 years old i had a night nightmare dream that i could not change and woke up screeming after this one bad dream i had i told my self to never remamber any of my dreams every again so that i can sleep all night long and it worked. from that one time when i was 8 years old to this day at the age of 64 i had never remamber any dreams at all so i have never had any lucid dreams to this day that i can remamber or even know how have any lucid dreams any more let alone to have any of them in color too.

  8. I am a lucid dreamer and I love it when I go to sleep, I always say I'm going back to my dream world where I can control everything and do everything.

  9. You lost Me when you said that white man was responsible for The Terminator?! Anybody who knows anything knows that determinator along with the original matrix movie was stolen by a black woman.

  10. These were the dumbest examples of reality tests I've seen. Just counting your fingers or trying to stick your finger through the opposite palm works.


  12. Another thing that your subconscious mind can do is correlate and process data you weren't even aware of. Your conscious mind filters out data to keep you from sensory overload. But, the subconscious sees everything and processes it. This is also why if you get a sudden feeling of danger it may be your subconscious sounding an alarm bell to get you to pay attention to your environment because something is up.

  13. I had once a lucid dream and I knew I was dreaming so I started to live a gta 5 life for like a half day and police busted me and I was laughing I said it will finish they said nothing will finish boy u going to jail I said nahhh ima find myself in my bed and my room soon it’s a dream , it was ankward

  14. One Parsec (a unit of length used to measure the great distances of astronomical objects outside the Solar System) = 206265 AU = 3.26 light-years = 3.086 × 10^13 km.

    The Numbers: 3, 6 and 9

    ((3^6) x 9) – (3.086 x (10^3)) -1 = 3,474

    The Moon's diameter: 3,474 km.

    Now we will use the diameter of the Moon.

    Moon's diameter: 3,474 km.

    (3.474 + 369 + 1) x (10^2) = 384,400

    The term L.D (Lunar Distance) refers to the average distance between the Earth and the Moon, which is 384,400 km.

    Moon's diameter: 3,474 km.

    ((3+6+9) x 3 x 6 x 9) – 9 – 3 + 3,474 = 6,378

    Earth's equatorial radius: 6,378 km.

    Book: Orion. The Connection between Heaven and Earth.

  15. I swear on my life, my 3rd daughter visited me in a dream when I ws about 7/8 months pregnant with her! I was stressing out over what to name her…and she came to me and told me her name was Alyssen.

  16. ? I thought everyone did this. I have apparently practiced lucid dreaming my entire life without any of these "rules". I use it to work on songs I'm composing, inventions, problem solving and adventure dreams in which I fly with my body or experience other superpowers.

  17. I have lucid dreams every single time I falk asleep, taking naps and during the night.
    Ever since I was a young child but, im now more aware and can take control of all my dreams? I thought this was normal fir everyone but I'm finding out it's not.
    I could sure use more explanations of this as my dreams are very profound and deep.

  18. Well sometimes I have lucid dream.. When I go lucid dream stage my whole body jerk of, I feel like I have fallen from a tree.. Then I dream something and I have full control over my dream.. After randorm time my body jark again and I come out of the dream.. That's my experience about lucid dream.. I have lucid dreams sometimes.. I think if mother nature has given you the access only then u can experience lucid dream.. Otherwise no technic can help you to have lucid dream..

    Thank you, thats my experience.. Have a good day