Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Life Advice Will Change Your Future (EYE OPENING SPEECH)

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Life Advice Will Change Your Future (EYE OPENING SPEECH)

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Neil deGrasse Tyson, one of the most famous astrophysicists alive, gives us the greatest life advice that we will ever hear. We guarantee this video will leave you speechless and wanting more!

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Speaker: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Footage licensed through Filmpac, Artgrid, and Videoblocks.
Music licensed through AudioJungle.


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  1. I've figured out how to change the stars by stopping hurricanes. Don't worry, I've technically already done the easy part and changed the stars. My parents were teachers and for over 3 decades, they taught their students my constellation. Those kids will teach their kids. So on and so on. See, stars changed.  I just need help to make it legit and with the rest. I need to get to Texas ASAP.  No, I'm not kidding. Yes, I'm serious. I get 7 things. One of them being to change the stars and since Neil has taken on the IAU and won. I've figured he'd be the one to ask. Remember, crazy is a compliment.

  2. great voice, great speaker (who doesn't use meaningless filler words <um, like, ah, okay, you-know> that the majority will typically use). I could listen to him all day…

  3. Hard to keep people going to work everyday to pay tons of bills that most people will never pay in full if people want to continue learning and question what’s going on in this society. Hate to tell the elites but more & more people are questioning everything now that we clearly see that the entertainment business, government, DOJ, education syst, banking, etc are all being controlled by the same corrupt group/entity. It more evident now that ever! I mean all people with a ? saw what they did in 2 o 2 O just to put J B into office, €h34ted so obviously!

  4. Some of my dearest closest family r across the street Sam.. samjr.. Sam wife that is my family that I love and they r 1 of many families I have

  5. A month ago I had no food to eat went about 2 days before my stomach finally gave out on me and i couldn't stop vomiting. I been living in a depression buble for years, completely almost cut off from the outside world to fact i havent even left my house for years before this except very rare occassions of going to the dr, er or dentist. When I went to the er they couldn't find much wrong besides having GERD which ive had for a few years now. I got other problems but not why i ended up the way i did.

    In that moment I realized I need to do something with my life or im going to just be in the grave in a very short period of time. No one is helping me no one wants to help me no one cares to help me. Its up to me to help myself. Now I been cooking healthy meals for myself daily, I been walking tho the hernia makes it painful and so does my gerd i still push through it walking 8 to 24 blocks a day. It is up to us to create that meaning for ourselves and if you lose it well just recreate it. But it takes pushing yourself to make meaning not going oh ill try later cause you will say that and one day might be to late.

    If i can do this while being in pain and walking lots while my insides are like bleh you can to. Sometimes you have to push yourself through that pain and no joke I feel so much better now. Gotta make the drive to do things not find the drive. Finding the drive means you don't have it, once you have it tho you can excel and do things you never thought possible.

  6. we bedd to stop all this racism and see that people are people its whats inside that counts the colour of skin or race is stupid we are all one we need to come together as humans

  7. Yep. It's the same thought that I always have. People need DRIVE to have success – and it is not taught in school or college. Work ethic, and a drive BEYOND work ethic, is needed to be successful. Work ethic means doing a good job, as well as you can. Beyond work ethic means what Neil was saying: Finding your purpose in life and doing it to better society and others. People say 'college makes success' and that 'if you go to a good college, and graduate – then you are off to a good start for success'. Well, we know that that is just not true. How? By the "student debt crisis". That phrase being true currently, proves that college doesn't make success. It is not just the drop outs who are struggling. It is those who get too much / too expensive an education and don't have the DRIVE to get involved in the workforce to pay off that education, or they pick a major that doesn't have good paying opportunities. Don't get caught up so much on that one step of college and specialized training that it overshadows the more important – Forward Momentum, the Drive to do a good job in whatever work you get involved in, and the desire to help others and society. That is the key to upward mobility or, if you're not interested in that, to finding your niche in the workplace and in your life.

  8. In 1959, with no college degree, I was hired as a trainee draftsman by the local County Public Works, Engineering Design Section. When the Division Manager retired in 1963 I was recommended for promotion to his position. I had found a career doing something that I loved to do. I did it for 48 years. Today I wouldn't even be allowed in the door.

  9. It doesn't matter who said what as long as what is said is connecting. To connect, how it is said matter. Explaining complex concepts in simple ways connects without coercion. Enforcing beliefs without the connection ends in 'faith' – what's that??

  10. My exact same reason for going on Twitter to try to bridge the toxic gap between the civic discourse, which I felt was my civic duty and a way to put my gifts from God to do something to take ACTION, which is what I believe all good citizens should try to do. If you have any way you can make a difference, please follow Neil deGrasse Tyson’s example which I didn’t know was so similar to mine, as your duty to our shared ?/? & it’s humanity❣️???????

  11. Wow I loved your videos before This has put you up on another level with me. Thks I’ve passed this lesson on to my older children. I only wish I could have done it earlier Hopefully I have learned this now at 63 Thank You again SIR

  12. The sad experience I n my siblings had is if someone told my mother we can't do something
    It would be repeated 24 /7 at home, to anyone who happened to be in the room or on the phone. Needless to brother is 61 n calls himself stupid. He was delexit. In n out jail. Sisters married by 18 into abusive relationships. I moved out at 17.