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  1. This is the first channel which I will subscribed ,
    After watching ?this video, l feel that the channel name,
    "Motivation 2 study"
    Is the fully exerpress its name to prove write✔✔✔,
    is that clear ?

  2. Someone In emergency:hey what time it is
    No one literally no one


    Some one who is in emergency:starts calculating the process again

  3. Is "I came to win, to fight
    to conquer, to thrive I came to win, to survive to prosper, to rise to fly" quote original from Nicki Minaj ?
    Because I heard it in her song, and I would like to know if it is original from her

  4. I am about to go the distance! I am about to put the effort. I am about to work extremely hard to build the life i wanna build ❤️❤️❤️?????????? i am about to leave my lazy habits and change for my own self!!!!

  5. I have a math exam tomorrow. Three weeks studying all day. I need to score at least 18 out of 20 points to enter in medicine in the university that i want. Wish me luck!

  6. This video was shared to me; and just for a minute I saw this video and you said that "Losers focus on winners" believe me the winner is the channel by getting views and by watching you are wasting you valuable time finding something called motivation which is already present in you. This may give you motivation for some time but then after that it will wear off, the real way for getting motivation is doing dopamine fast, I assure you that it works like charm. It will help you to get back on feet and then you will feel that you can achieve anything. Comparison will only destroy your motivation and being better than yesterday will help you to rise to heights. This will not happen in 1 day but its a process which you will follow throughout your life. Just remember "To Never Give Up"

    If you think its a hate comment: No, I just wrote this to help ppl
    If you think that I am a winner by getting likes (If I get any): I am not doing this for likes, so I don't mind if you like but just read.

    Thnx for reading, Hope you have a good day!

  7. “Take a few minutes out of your schedule every now and then and remind yourself why you can achieve your goals. Make sure that your brain is getting enough training in seeing you and your business as a success and as a winner and not as a failure.”

    ― Pooja Agnihotri

  8. students के मन में माता पिता के लिए आदर सत्कार सेवा धर्म ओर कर्तव्य की भावना हो!

  9. I regret everything I waste time to do useless thing ,after this video something got in my mind to do useful and pursue my dream thankyou