MASTER Your DARK SIDE To Become Successful – An Eye Opening Interview with Robert Greene

MASTER Your DARK SIDE To Become Successful – An Eye Opening Interview with Robert Greene

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  1. Fear, The Greatest Hinderance Of Success*

    Fear is the primary reason people fail, or even don’t start something in the first place. But living your life in fear will only cause disappointment in the long run. After all, “we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take,” so don’t let fear stop you from taking your shot.


  2. Wow. Some good advice. I don’t think one single person likes working for some one else. My advice from the standpoint of a former US Marine, Get on your feet, find a purpose, get moving toward your purpose. Stop the whining. If you listen to this guy, we will be speaking Chinese in 10 years. You want a purpose? Join the Marines and they will help you find yours.

  3. This video popped up just at the right time for me. Every day I help others through my video. I have been questioning whether or not to continue because I am not making any money YET from my videos, but after listening to this it helped me look at things in a completely different perspective. Thank you. ????

  4. I love this. Twitter is so full of narcissists, and now there are many who refuse to believe that narcissism is a real thing or a bad thing. I’ll never understand toxic people, and I’m sure most empaths won’t. Embrace and appreciate the good people in life

  5. If the formula is success why not follow it
    Sounds like a fraud Self help. If you need this is not self help. Help your self this is a person telling you what you need lol someone helping

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  7. I was about to throw an e-commerce online store, and for a break up with my partner I was exposed so badly in a way that I was affected. I saw many threads about my store not going to be successful because they had the power on social media platforms including Twitter. That thrown my plans to the ground

  8. Alright I've listened to this guy talk a lot and isn't it kind of weird how he dances around the subject of black people and how they have a shadow and understand spirituality are able to go on to deeper levels and breathe deeper and how that we should burn this world down because our soul is coming back to destroy this place anyway soon hopefully soon cuz I don't want to look at you creepy humans anymore