Many people are completely unaware of this!

Many people are completely unaware of this!

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  1. this is not true. If a person is not authentic with himself and disconnected to whom he or she is of course mob crowd happens on the contrary if you are connected with yourself there is no way you are going to gamble your inner spirit and join the madness.

  2. 95% of you reading this have been herded to watch this video. You are also pa6y of a crowd. You know yourselves. The ones parroting the same quotes in all the videos. Hoping to stand out by joining this comment section.
    You're all lost. Being led by an algorithm. Best of luck sheep.

  3. Greetings what is explained there is called manipulation. Also what you explain there is how people gather to make communities as well. So now you're telling us not to gather in a group and form some kind of objective of the other parties. Because it all comes down with money power and control. Other than that have a great day.

  4. Been it, Seen it, Acted On It. A Very Strong Impulse On A Person's Mind. I Regret It Sadly! The Action is What Changed Me! So In All Was I Put There At That Moment For A Life's Lesson? "Amor Fati" Love Fate.

  5. All the good people are being suppressed in this world. There is the greedy globalists poisoning everything media and our elected government. It’s sickening to have to witness

  6. All the violent crowds and media in the world at the moment are paid by the globalists it’s sickening to see it all unravel. It’s all mind control and you should just put it all in the trash can. They’ve given the average man and women in the street a phone. From this point on they control your life as the phone is a two way piece of technology. You think it’s working for you but it’s working in exactly the same way against you and your life. It’s allowed them into be able to control every part of your life

  7. All the people in power are controlled or they wouldn’t be in power. Now they are all being turned against the common man for the greedy globalists. The likes of bill gates and anybody that has ever been sat next to him in public are globalists or they wouldn’t be there. Once you understand these easy to follow rules your half way there ?

  8. It feels like they are changing our paradigms (Culture) using this corona and social media. Repetition, affect the subconcious mind. Critical thinking is very important right now. And dont let them TellAVision to you.

  9. There are huge crowds supporting the president right now. Nobody is burning down buildings. However, all that may change if they allow biden to steal the election.

  10. 2:42mins Ok now hold on a minute there buddy.  You cannot talk about herd mentality and show voilent protests…….when the violence came from certain Politicians and Business men who purposely PaID a few of those people to start trouble to discredit the protests.
    The same Politicians and Businessmen who not only look to profit from the herd mentality but also to hide the real herd mentality that is the pure life blood of Governments and Religions around the globe.  Come on……