Limbs or no limbs, I will do the will of God in my life. #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #shorts

Limbs or no limbs, I will do the will of God in my life. #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #shorts

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  1. Bro, I swear this man with no arms and legs is one of the strongest between us. ( a friend of mine told me the other day that God gives problems only to the worthy ones as they only can overcome)

  2. Son! you are Great ????. You have a great voice,and a graceful face full of charm , which you are using it for the glory of God. You will be rewarded greatly by Jesus our Lord.

  3. ……….Jesus said;
    "If u love Me keep My Commandments", so read this; We have to obey God's Ten Commandments, and keep the Sabbath Day Holy, not Sunday (day) but Sabbath Day on Saturday it's on the Seventh Day of the week amen amen and amen ❤.

    The Sabbath Day for the people of God, so if you not belong to God then you don't need to keep the Sabbath Day Holy, amen………..Jesus said;
    "If u love Me keep My Commandments", so read this; We have to obey God's Ten Commandments, and keep the Sabbath Day Holy, not Sunday (day) but Sabbath Day on Saturday it's on the Seventh Day of the week amen amen and amen ❤.

    The Sabbath Day for the people of God, so if you not belong to God then you don't need to keep the Sabbath Day Holy, amen.

  4. Thank you for pointing the way to Lord Jesus!! Your arms far outreach most and your feet have been where many will never go!! Thank you…. for redirecting that traffic!! Thank you Lord Jesus

  5. You are just absolutely adorable and I just love you to pieces and I know God is using you in such a way that the world is going to be hit like a ton of bricks to their soul Hallelujah to the king for using people that are of the world calling them disabled and not worthy you are

  6. This blessed soul was waiting in a long long line of people hoping to be chosen to come to earth while still in Paradise. Many many souls were turned away for this particular job. (I guess “we” all made it ????) But this man, God Himself pointed to this man, and said “bring him to the front of the line” “Not only will he fulfill his karma from all his lifetimes, he will bring souls to Me.” “He is Mine”
    This man is utterly amazing. I can’t explain the intuition (light?) I felt when I first heard him.
    I can’t explain how his words make me feel and how powerful I feel he is in Source. Just listen and you’ll pick it up. The Demons must fear him greatly.