KEEP FIGHTING Les Brown Live – March 20, 2017 Monday Motivation Call

KEEP FIGHTING Les Brown Live – March 20, 2017 Monday Motivation Call

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  1. Out of all the speakers in the world, I listen to Les over 90% of the time. More than Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, and John Maxwell. The person he is behind the words is why he is so special. His certainty and passion inspires others. He truly is the message that he brings and he is REAL. People love authentic people.

  2. Thank you Les Brown you have saved me. I will keep it short but I was in prison under two years ago and now I am getting married. I have passed my driving test and I have also became a kitchen manager. I am a changed man

  3. What a man!!!! I cried when I heard him cry. His words and even just his voice resonates strength to me, and even when he is inflicted in parts of his body, his spirit and mind is still 110%! Eph 6v12 "Our fight is not of flesh and blood, but against the principalities and the powers of darkness." You have the right stuff Mr Brown, you are not only Mrs Mamie Browns son but also a child of God. Mauri Ora!! from Aotearoa (New Zealand)

  4. Mr. Brown. my situation was something somewhat like yours.
    Is there any chance I could get a meeting with you. I know you've got asked that question a million times. can I have the honor please. God Bless. Brenda Johnson

  5. Thank you Mr. Brown. You are blessed. I pray and visualize that you heal from your disease. Your mind has helped so many, including myself. Now it is our turn to give you our support. You are so selfless and your heart is so great. I shall honor you by being the best version of myself every day. Love you much ??. You shall be well again.

  6. When I woke up this morning I was feeling heavy. I was in the process of preparing for a pity party and I was reminded that I have a purpose for my life through listening to this call. I'm so happy and grateful for this being one of the email notifications that I recieved. Thank you Les Brown for pushing beyond your pain and giving us a Reminder of the greatness within me. I listen to your message in the GA Dome everyday. I'm praying for your strength and I'm going to see what information I can gather the get you information on how to get into the Justice system here in Georgia.

  7. Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant I am viewing this call for the first time on YouTube so I am not sure which Monday the call actually took place. I could feel Les' pain as he described it to the listeners – I began to cry ?. I don't often comment in these forums, but I wanted Les to check out the interview Dick Gregory did on The Breakfast Club – it can be found on YouTube (scroll through to his talk about his cancer). Mr. Gregory talks about the cancer treatment he received; a treatment discovered by a physician in Italy. I also want to encourage Les to begin a meditation and yoga practice. I would encourage him to engage a yoga and/or Tai Chi instructor for safety, because his condition sounds quite delicate. I believe in the power of prayer and I will certainly keep him lifted in prayer, however, I have personally discovered that it would be wise for us to begin to integrate more non-traditional spiritual practices with traditional spiritual practices -there is space for both. The symbol for prayer and Namaste are the same ??. ✌?️??

  8. Les you just uplifted me. I have been feeling down and low and this message is for me it went straight into my heart. It was meant just for me. I like the spirit that s in you. Keep being contagious for God. I love you and praying for you right now
    Pastor siya Twani

  9. God bless you Mr. Brown I am praying for you and your family members. I love to hear my mother and father tell stories about how you turned Columbus,Ohio upside down. What a great man! Speaking the truth on 1580 WVKO as a D.J getting fired then going on to be an Ohio State legislature. Over 40 years later still bringing hope to others while over coming your own adversities. Mr. Brown you may hail from Florida,but you are still one of my home town heroes. Columbus is praying for you.

  10. Mr. Brown I hope you also help at-risk youth who with your influence may never have to see the jail in the first place if guided by your wisdom. Also, in your work with the recidivism I hope your addressing incarcerated fathers with sons and daughters on the outside and how father's incarceration impacts them and will they repeat dad's mistake.

  11. Mr. Brown, "THANK YOU" for ALL you do and ALL you are. Praise God for yielding to the spirit of God. Everything you said resonate with my spirit. That was a very powerful message. I am in that group of unemployment, however moving forward to starting a business. I was speaking with someone yesterday regarding the jail situation and the Willie Lynch letter. Speaking healing to your body that your body and everything about you line up with the word and prefect will of God and by the blood of Jesus Christ you are healed. Amen

  12. Praying with you Mr. Brown! I listen to you everyday! I am so grateful to God for YOU!!! My Book The Secret Blog of Storm Cunningham Day 1 is here and has been for 3 months!! Thanks for helping me motivate children to love who the are and accept who they are!!! I would love to send you a copy!!! Thank you trusting and believing with you! ??

  13. This is so deep, Mr Brown, you almost made me cry. GOD bless you. Your words are always powerful. Your voice is getting better with age like wine. I became a speaker thanks to you. You won't go unnoticed.

  14. "When you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over". woow woow woow it is just a moving statement
    thank God who gave you to us in this generation
    you are like a father to me down here deep in Africa Uganda
    The only thing I can say to you Dad Mr Les Brown is, May the almight God in heaven grant you with a super natural healing power that can consume off that demon of cancer so you can continue being a blessing to the hopeless world in Jesus mighty name

  15. Mr. Brown please research TUMERIC and Honey. Many scientific studies have been done that show this KILLS the cancer microbes and the cell actually renews itself because the mitokondria is restored. GOD SPEED o. your healing. HOPE

  16. My dearest friend and mentor, Les Brown, You have been inspiring, mentoring and encouraging me for many years and…wow…it is ALWAYS a privilege to listen to you and get inspired!!! You always touch my soul and this time you even made me fill up with tears….ok, ok, you made me cry1 Man, I feel for you and pray for you and your health so often and will continue to do so way after your health has been restored. You might sometimes be on your back but I know you look up…. I could write so much more but want to know I love you and give you a humongous virtual hug from youe energiser bunny 😉 <3

  17. Dr Stacie, will you be making a new video soon, it's been a little while. They enrich my life tremendously. Thank you for what you do. I'll just have to go back and listen to the messages dating back to 2013;)

  18. Thank YOU Mr.Les Brown for your motivation speeches it help me to get up and move on despite the current CIVIL WAR in my Nation of SOUTH SUDAN. you instill hope in our minds and hearts." you have the power to change and live a bigger Life with passion"(Les Brown). Mr.Brown Thank YOU for sharing your WISDOM with this WORLD.

  19. For over 20 yrs, this man has been a Constance source of strength, hope and perseverance for my life. God bless keep blessing him with every breath he takes…

  20. Dear les, I don't know if you would read these messages but I know the gratitude I feel towards you has been resonating through others throughout your life and I also want to express my thanks tl you through those you continue to meet and bless on a daily basis. I'm currently undergoing extreme challenges in my life with no job, bad debt, depression and a new born child that I'm trying to support my partner with. I listen to your words for strength and you've taught me anything is possible. I probably will never be able to meet you as I am in england and maybe your not well enough at the moment to travel, however me typing this on your page for me will be a bucketlist checkbox ticked in a round about way if you happen to read this. I pray for your strength and you have taught me its possible no matter the circumstance. That you for being the anointed vessel that you are, J.