Is Religion Necessary? Q&A Eckhart Tolle

Is Religion Necessary? Q&A Eckhart Tolle

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In this video, Eckhart explores some of the benefits and pitfalls of organized religion. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:

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  1. Member of Moses fans club (Jews), member of Jesus fans club (Christians), member of Mohammed fans club (Muslims). Member of Ronaldo fans club (CR7-ers), member of Rossi fans club (VR46-ers).

    Religions is one of many other methods in 'Devide et Impera (Divide and Conquer) strategic planning', done by a few unconscious European Civilizations (England, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France).

    Malaysia was once part of Hastinapura (India) occupied by the British.
    Indonesia was once part of Hastinapura occupied by the Dutch named 'Netherlands Indie'.

    Indonesia and Malaysia and India were one before 'Devide et Impera' succesfuly applied.

  2. Religion? World view, philosophy…I nominate Tolle as the modern prophet of a new age religion: Tollism. He organizes his religion and preaches to followers with his books, interviews and YouTubes. He explains the meaning of life, defines ethics, reconfigures prayer as "consciousness"…all the while trying to distance himself from religion. Odd. He "validates religion" as a "benefit" for those who "need structure" – one more variation of describing religion as a "drug for the masses." Yet, it is hard to listen to him talk without feeling his nose is tilted up as one "too wise and full of consciousness" to fall for religion – even as he is selling his own Tollism faith. On a personal level, I'm sure he is a wonderful person. As a new world "leader/teacher," he is largely selling reassurance to people. I keep trying to stick with him for more than a chapter or lecture, but what he is selling is just too disingenuous.

  3. I don't subscribe to any religion, or go to any church, but sometimes I think about attending a church just to meet other people, at least some of whom are good, or seeking to be good, people. We've lost our sense of community, and with the government so corrupt and abandoning so many of us (like single people and people on SS, etc) we really need to develop strong communities so we can help each other. The people who own those who control the government and media want to keep us divided and unconscious and self-absorbed and self-centered.
    We must fight that and unite.

  4. اصبحنا نتبع حكماء البلاد الغربية لكي يرشدونا و يعيدونا الى ديننا ..تقصير كبير يجب ان يعالج

  5. Looking inward is important. Looking outward is okay, as long as you don’t use your religion to judge and hurt others.
    When someone believes life starts after death, I question that person’s judgement on life itself.

  6. For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life!  And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have now received this reconciliation through Him. (Romans 5:10–11)

  7. I was a JW for 20 years & what you said about having enemies & verbally attacking those who don't agree with them is so true. In their mind all those not JWs whether religious or secular are evil & doing Satan's work to persecute JWs. I left about 9 years ago but your book the Power of Now is really helping me to let go of the resentment I held towards that religion as I progress to living in the Now

  8. He sounds so secular here, I almost feel he is talking out of mind and not really presence (which is fine, he is well educated intelligent man, just unusual).

  9. Eckkhart is being tactful here. Truthful, but coming short of denouncing the core of a lot of church's dogma that you have to be saved by Jesus to go to heaven. I think he nailed it when he said religion can be a "vehicle" to spirituality. I suspect of lot of "born again" Christians have experienced a profound awakening…but for some reason they need the "vehicle" or a story that explains it. So the experience is real… but what they are experiencing isn't because of what is in the Bible…a collection of absurd stories in the old testament, and contradictions and vague, confusing new testament…sprinkled with some real insight and truth. For some, their awakened experiences are real and undeniable… but why do they have to tie the experience to such a collection of stories? 5000 year old Earth? We know that isn't true. It's as though if they deny the story or "vehicle", they are saying their awaken spiritual experience didn't happen. Why do some people need to explain it this way?

  10. Great comment on religions. I was born Catholic and at some point I began to have many doubts about what I had been taught and stopped believing, and then in moments of great need and desperation I raised my voice towards the God that my parents had taught me and a huge miracle was done in me. I think there are very deep religious teachings that create miracles. Whose was the voice that Master Tolle heard the night of the awakening of his conscience? The voice that told him, "Don't resist anything"?


    SO these researchers went and found some humans that were dwelling in a land and had NO modern day ''things''….they were happy and healthy and lived off the land AND the researchers said HEY we are '' civilized'''…and we can bring you lots of things like religion and internet and all this stuff we have …….. the island people said we are fine and need NOTHING from you…and IF we knew nothing of all these things you speak of we be fine…….and maybe we can TEACH YOU…how to be fine eh..?….. and the researchers went away and they all made LOTS of money and got ALL the stuff…and then ALL they wanted to do is go back to the island people and learn FROM THEM….yep…there IS THAT….humans..! much love…[[[Teesus]]]

  12. Pretty much he is talking about 95% of evangelical teachings… aka American christains based on EGO teachings. If anyone doesn't share their ideology they get nasty. I call it the mind virus.

  13. The dogma in the major world religions are very different, but the mystical traditions in every religion meet around the same truth. Beautiful teaching here. I so much appreciate the nuanced view of religion. Thank you!

  14. Religion can be a help or hindrance, depending on if you use it to go into presence.??

    Jesus teachings:
    The flower lives in the present without worry and anxiety.?
    Deny thyself – recognize the unreality of your physical self.?
    I AM – your true foundation in consciousness.?

    Jesus is a historical name. Christ is a dimension of consciousness.
    "I must diminish and the Christ in me must grow". – St. Paul ?

    Jesus realized his oneness with Christ. So the transcendent dimension emerged in him – Christ consciousness. It's the same as Buddha nature, your true nature.???

    Recognize that Jesus is both historical Jesus person and the Christ consciousness. ??

    Thanks Eckhart. 19 September 2022.????????????

  15. It’s not an either or issue. It is crucial that there be a balance. Some sort of authority to be subordinate to and that serves as a basis for the abstract nature of your spirituality is necessary to maintain order, consistency, and provide direction.

    religion without the Spirit is moral bookkeeping. Spirituality without religion is self-involved and directionless. The only way to keep the law, however, is with the kind of help only the Holy Spirit provides.

  16. if it was not for the religions and those who established them Ekhart and others would not have profound teachings that have made them wealthy. Tolle, etc. attract those who avoid committment and fail to realize the non matetialism of the the founders to whom they reference.