If You’re an Overachiever, Watch This! | Eckhart Tolle on Balancing Achievement and Acceptance

If You’re an Overachiever, Watch This! | Eckhart Tolle on Balancing Achievement and Acceptance

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In this clip, Eckhart discusses the balance between pursuing our dreams and accepting the present. Subscribe to find greater …

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  1. Accepting life as it unfolds is the conscious and sane way of living.
    It is perfectly acceptable to have goals.
    What is the motivation for your doing?
    If you deny this moment, your motivation is dissatisfaction and overcoming.That won't work.
    You need to start with your life's foundation which is this moment. Appreciate it. Be friendly with it. Become one with the is-ness.
    When something arises to create forms, you create out of joy, not lack and discontent.

    Stress means you have lost the present moment. Next moment is more important in your mind.
    You have to experience Eckhart's teaching.

    You can still do because you enjoy doing. It contributes to the awakening.
    No matter what you do, your present consciousness spreads and affects others.
    Discontent of doing is replaced by the joy of doing.
    If you don't enjoy it, what is the point?
    If you absolutely cannot enjoy it, walk out. Be in a state of acceptance.
    Many people have resistance and reluctance to what they are doing.
    They don't even notice their inner state of discontent and resistance any more.

    Thanks Eckhart. 10 March 2023.????????????????????????

  2. The future came to me many times. I expected to be graduated and it came. And I was graduated and now the future is my past.

    I expected that once my mother died
    and she did
    so future came.
    Everybody expect something and many things come.
    Is it something strange to you?

    It is the normal way.
    Only insane think that they have 18 years forever.

    I guess you are not insane.

    E. maybe talks about buddhist not clinging not attaching.

  3. What happens if you're supervising people? And they don't perform? (I've figured it out and I've been stress free for decades, I just don't see how Tolle's answer of being in the present works here.)

  4. I am not very convinced by this video, differently from others of him.
    It is a bit shallow. Cause you say if you are not content, accept it and at the same time work for something else. But if you use the time to do what you are doing (which you don’t like) that time cannot be used to achieve what you really want. The identity of time and limitedness of it, makes it incompatible to do both.
    A different thing is not to complain negatively all the time of what is not as you want.
    I think it is good not to complain, but still act only for the purpose to achieve and not live in acceptance keeping on doing what you do, cause that brings as you said to stay whole life just accepting and using the present moment always for acceptance or consuming most of the time for living in acceptance the present moment takes away time to work for the purpose.
    If you just accept you end up not working towards your goal, cause you don’t need it. What motivation is there if not being better, staying better, that how you are or feel ? Nobody (not even animals) search for food if they are not hungry. Hunger is the push to look for food.
    And lastly, I think that when you don’t want what you are living in the present moment, the awakening should bring not to live it. If you are awakening, knowing what you want and don’t want, the immediately following step is stopping doing what you don’t want and do what you want instead. First stop doing what you don’t want. And then (if it takes more time to achieve it) do what you do want.
    I am sorry but this speech is highly non convincing to me.
    It is my personal views of course.

  5. Yes. There was a woman at the Toll booth (before I got my EZ Pass ha) who always had a bright smile and a 'good morning' and often wore funny hats. Loved her!

  6. I know Eckhart doesn’t call it this but he is 100% channeling and the clarity of mind that he is able to speak from , out of thoughtlessness is divine love force


    I first knew about his principles from his book "The Power of Now". I've enjoyed applying and practicing his teachings in my life for the past couple of months.

    I, then bumped into some other "teachers" of manifestations. I got really immersed to them that I forgot living in the moment but the moments of waking up in the morning trying to do some affirmations kinda affected my energy.

    Now, I got back to these videos of ET and I felt down because I feel something unexplainable in me.

    Can anyone possibly tell me what's happening?

  8. Thankyou, I've been searching for an answer to what makes us do things differently. Dissatisfaction with the way things are could be avoidance of an inner aspect, like you are not ok, and you will attract the same situation if you run away. But how do I change my reality? It must be by a feeling that this now moment could be changed to something better, if I listen to what my soul is longing for. With adventurous joy and trust. By wanting to listen to what your inner I wants, without judging other people, just wanting to align with your inner I. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Hi, I just became a member of your channel. I live in Holland and would like to propose to translate your video’s for my dutch speaking viewers. I think there are many ‘non English speaking people’ in my country. Is this okay??