If You Are a Lazy Person Then WATCH THIS..

If You Are a Lazy Person Then WATCH THIS..

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WATCH THIS If You’re Lazy!
***SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMS*** – http://bit.ly/2jVoXRb

⚠ This video was uploaded with the permission of the owner.

►If you struggle and have a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp. https://tryonlinetherapy.com/dailymotivation. We receive commissions for referrals to BetterHelp. We only recommend products we know and trust.

►MOTIVATIONAL CLOTHES Be a Dreamer http://onlydreamersallowed.com

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?BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle
?FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac

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  1. Everyone is lazy but only some people realize that by instilling small habits over a period of time do they become 'successful'. We have to make sure that these small habits are enjoyable and bring out joy from within. This is because we are accessing that place of higher vibe energy which in itself creates tons of abundance with relative ease. Something along the idea of making money work for you, instead of working for money. Much love. Peace.

  2. I have always considered myself as lazy and I developed an awesome business 17yrs ago and live a wonderful lifestyle and only work around 20min a day on my business….I use to joke that if you want a hard job done, give the task to a lazy person as they will find the easiest and fastest way to get it done….Just as I do.

  3. I could relate myself to every point in this video!
    Finally, I found at least one credible source saying that, being lazy is okay, and possibly good….
    Thank You…. : )

  4. Lazy people still have . The running ones only have . The amount of time is the same for both, but for the lazy ones it feels like the double. To be smart, clever and lazy, best combination to enjoy reaching goals.

  5. Are you serious? Laziness is self inflicted failure. Laziness is a slow death to your career dreams or anything you want to achieve. You can’t rely on luck all the time,it will run out and you’ll be on food stamps doing nothing with your life. What’s the harm in work hard during daytime and at night you rest?

  6. Im doing a Casting for this video about lazyness, I need male and female who do shit about life! A director to direct who directs me, a guy to press play by me and someone to pay the guy who's writing this .Anyone?

  7. Terima kasih sudah buat video ini, semoga manusia yg memandang sebelah mata terhadap orang lain dapat belajar, ada sesuatu yg tumbuh dengan sangat indah di dalam gelap dan ada yg mekar di saat terang, tidak semua hal bekaitan dengan sebab akibat tergantung bagaimana kamu menyikapi dan menggunakan kaca mata dari sudut mana.