How To Write A Book For Beginners in 8 days | Dr. Neeta Bhushan

How To Write A Book For Beginners in 8 days | Dr. Neeta Bhushan

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  1. Are you BOLD enough to write your own book and share your unique story with the world? …Comment your thoughts on this video below ? Want more? Don’t forget to check out the Quest All Access Pass, because your personal growth should never be restricted ? Get unlimited access to ANY of our personal growth courses now ??

  2. You are the first person I have seen talk positively about having a book and describe how it can create an ecosystem

    I have 2 books partly written and writing is my joy but have been concentrating on building my businesses and new skills to enhance my businesses but I have just added work on my book to my To Do list for tomorrow.

    Off to read more of my hard copy of The Code of Extraordinary Mind Thank you x

  3. Thank You Dr. Neeta Bhushan. You have given me the tools, understanding, and confidence to start my book. Because of this video, and also watching your Masterclass online, I am creating good momentum on my first book. Got my intro, and already wrote out 3 chapters. This was totally what I was seeking. Thank you so very much in wanting to help people start their journey.

  4. I found this video very helpful. I hope I can outline my book soon. Your speech and way of presentation were also very pleasant to hear. Thank You Dr Neeta.

  5. 8 Reasons to Have a Book
    "Your Next Chapter.: Will fuel your next purpose.
    "Differentiation." Writing can be a saturated market, so you will revolutionize, and bring your value.
    -use your personal stories because you may not know how it will impact someone else
    "Credibility and trust."
    -you can start and introduce new subjects to your assets (audience.)
    "Business Card." Can be your gateway to get in on opportunities. -It's tangible, can be used in networking events and never goes stale.
    "Create a movement." Can create your own language and buzzwords that will be a vehicle to skyrocket the movement. Exclusivity/Scarcity can happen (a community that will help the ideas stick.)
    "Business Ecosystem." Helps you live your values to the fullest. -Resources, Business accelerator, defy's limitations.
    "Door Opener." Opportunities you may have never thought of. -You can evolve as a speaker, entrepreneur, coach, as a healer etc.
    "Brand Builder." Humor, play, and having fun happens from the book, "The school of was developed." Things get tough and they don't have to be all the time.

    ———————————————–Types of Books————————-
    Chunk information in small bits, don't start writing a novel.
    -white paper
    -booklet mini pdfs just have a graphic designer.
    -blog posts you can compile into a book. don't worry you have enough content.
    -Lecturer summary: we speak more than write so transcribe talks.
    -Message/Story: share vulnerablility "Writing is easy all you have to do is cross out the wrong words."

    You are your biggest block! "Is it good enough." Prevents you from even starting. The truth is it ha-sent been written by you!

  6. Doc, help please… please read the Forbes article about me.
    I got an email invitation to write an article about this for Law Enforcement Today.
    I am a disabled veteran, nearly homeless, penniless…I can barely walk. I am several disabled.
    Really need help please.
    Please read the Forbes article and my FB post
    I am a disabled Veteran and Nurse. I enlisted 3 times. My son just got back from the middle east. Please read the Forbes article about me here
    I'm an ER and ICU Nurse with nearly 30 years experience, 10 years at a VA hospital. I reported the use of dirty instruments on Veteran patients. VA administration set me up in an investigation in an attempt to fire me. They were caught manufacturing evidence. I worked there another 2 years, I reported 300 critical lab errors per month. I built a team to address this. And wae soon being set up again for termination.
    I had been physically assaulted, threatened, and have some then been receiving death threats. From VA paid employees. I have documentation to prove everything I say. Hence…. the Forbes article.
    This is your tax dollars at work.
    This is your Veterans.
    Call and complain…. your senator, congressmen, president…. newspaper.
    This is your tax dollars and your Veterans.

  7. I feel she was very helpful to me, about how to prepare for writting a book, how to overcome your fear when it comes to writting your book. I am very grateful for her video. Thank you for your Seminar ?

  8. Here, save yourself 44 minutes including the long gaps/pauses. And there's no mention of writing a book in 8 days.

    What/Outline — What's your book about?
    Who/Audience — Who's the book for? Get specific
    Why? — Why does your message need to be written.
    Identify 3-4 big ideas your audience will learn/take away from your book.
    Break down each big idea into 1-5 steps so the audience can achieve the desired outcome.
    Support each big idea with a story, facts, etc… this part was confusing as it wasn't that clear.

    Boom! Done! Now save yourself!