How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Eckhart responds to the question of how to measure your own spiritual growth, and explains it can be by the degree to which the thinking mind operates.

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  1. Eckhart was the cause of my spontaneous awakening on the 15th of October 2019 . after suffering of depression and anxiety all my life i woke up that morning after discovering Eckhart Tolle on you tube the night before

  2. "The stillness in every day life…" struck home with me. My supposed grief support therapist took control of my issues & I left feeling more anxious than ever. However, she did suggest I listen to you & I am very thankful. The recognition of knowing that feelings stay with you long after you believe you have acknowledged them helped me tremendously. They will fade in time.?✌️?

  3. After years involved in really bad and destructive things like that, I am glad to share

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 (KJV)

  4. 2/16/22 HAPPY ? BIRTHDAY ?, Eckhart!! Thanks SO much for coming to Earth. You are such a precious PRESENT ? for us all. Your teachings help raise our level of spiritual growth in miraculous thoughtless ways. We THANK ? GOD for your Presence all over Earth and Beyond. ?️

  5. Have your level of consciousness tested with David R. Hawkins method. BTW, Eckhart Tolle has fallen back a lot – confirmed by multiple sources (and also Hawkins himself). His teaching is solid though, just do not consider him greater than yourself (true for any guru too). So what does it mean that does not have high consciousness? He is not channeling higher wisdom, he is living off the wisdom he gained when he was enlightened. Better to follow someone who is still enlightened or has high consciousness level. Especially useful if you can attend live Satsangs with such a person. Again, this can be measured by Hawkins' method.

  6. Wow, I’m pausing the video at 2 min to comment on the joke with someone shooting a video when I’m unconscious then showing me. This literally happened to me around 5-10 years ago when my girlfriend of the time filmed me when I was resting on a rock. I was tired and enjoying my nap, then my little daughter and her mom (my ex) came to interrupt it and I became slightly hysterical about it. When she showed me the video, I was in shock and literally despised my persona on the screen. So much so that it drastically pushed my development, as I became instantaneously more conscious and way more motivated to behave with dignity. Since then, I’ve been behaving in a much much wiser way. But it didn’t require much effort, as the disgust was a real strong incentive.

  7. Nimm an – gib ab

    Der Augenblick
    Ist das Bewusstsein
    Durch alles was ist
    -Sein Zuhause
    Ist die Ganzheit
    Die Perle kostbar
    Ohne Preis.
    -wage den Schritt
    Von Dir zu Dir
    Liebe ganz
    Und ohne Distanz…
    Nimm willig
    Den letzten Platz
    Kalt und warm.
    -Sei der Du bist
    In reiner Emphänglichkeit
    Und alles gewusste
    Ist gleichzeitig hier…
    -Sei der Du bist
    Das ist das JETZT
    Und Ich bin dabei
    In Dir…

  8. Everyday there is some meditation for me usually before I get out of bed so I have no chance to think first. While meditating a few days ago a friend of mine now passed into spirit taught me to combine meditation with Reiki. So while going through the chakras I focused on the heart chakra for quite a while and I think I finally experienced Peace ☮️

  9. So If I manage to completely stop any form of thinking, I will be totally awakened spiritually. I will no longer think of doing any activity, and my life will be filled with nothingness. Sign me up!

  10. Lao Tsz : Dao De Jing [Sutra of the Way] says similar. Pursuit of learning increases day by day.
    Pursuit of the Way [ultimate reality of universe] reduces day by day.

  11. It's strange, perhaps, that even your silence moments during your speech, as well as the way you're blinking, your whole facial expression, are inducing a state of calmness in me. As I also red in your book, it is as if I know what and how. I am happy to regain my optimism by listening your experience. There is hope… Thank you

  12. Feels like I’m born again. For the very first time.
    Learning to stay present as the consciousness has made all the different. Watching the day unfold as the creator and the witness to it all ✨✨✨

  13. Fear or it's absence seem like a good measure of spiritual progress. But fear can manifest in relatively subtle ways such as irritation, impatience, worry, and so on. But one can never experience presence AND fear.

  14. Peace for me is the being calm under pressure of life, maintaining your understanding on how to handle pain ,hurt , rejected or whatever. Through God

  15. This happened to me my mind was emptied and I couldn’t even think about the past which could be a blessing. But unfortunately some psychologist thought ? I was mad. Yes it happened during spiritual emergency. Still it was happening. I know it will happen again! And this time I will let it consume me.

  16. I would disagree with the statement that spiritual evolution corresponds to less thinking. It certainly doesn't correspond to my life. Thought has its place, as does no thought.

    The characteristics of spiritual evolution are less blaming, more taking responsibility; less hypocrisy, more love for truth; less arrogance, more humility; less resentment, more gratitude.

    One does not have to be told, one will know, by the degree of suffering and discontentment one bears. The energetic field of one who is evolved is characterized by joy, contentment, peace, inner stillness, compassion, love, forgiveness.

    The sage is no different from the fool. Each simply handles life differently because evolving is about perspective, paradigm and choices. The sage sees the treasure of the moment, and the fool does not. The sage has learned to adapt to the serendipitous whimsicality of life. The fool is rigid, full of resistance.

    The differences between those two energetic fields are effortlessly obvious if you are standing in the light.

    We know the tree by its fruit.

  17. Tolle is in my view is the living spiritual guide who most clearly conveys the "Way of Knowledge" but I don't know why at times, as in this video, he expresses himself about thoughts in a way that could be misunderstood, spiritual evolution = fewer thoughts. The great Masters, including Ramana, speak of the absence of the sense of self, not of thoughts. In this case the thoughts no longer affect our mood or emotional state. Turya is not affected by the body-mind, just as space is not affected by what inhabits it.