How to Find the Gift in Every Moment

How to Find the Gift in Every Moment

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Life is ALWAYS happening FOR YOU, not TO you – embrace this truth and your entire world will shift, even during your most challenging moments.

While facing failed attempts, relationships, conversations, careers, or businesses…

During times of fear, pain, and unmeasurable loss…

It is ALL a gift when we can look beyond these challenges and discover the GRACE available to us in every single moment.

The truth is, we ALL have the ability to turn pain and suffering into growth and ultimately, APPRECIATION FOR LIFE ITSELF.

And it starts by noticing the beauty all around us, the gifts of every day, opportunities to GROW and BE more, to deepen our CONNECTION to our friends and loved ones, experiencing the power of human EMOTIONS like love, gratitude, joy, and the guiding force that brings a sense of awe and wonder for this beautiful gift of life.

EVERYTHING is a gift when we make the choice to live in a beautiful state of being.

*This clip is from a recent Date With Destiny Program.

Date With Destiny is a six-day seminar designed to help participants live out their ultimate purpose by gaining absolute clarity on what matters most in their lives. Designed by the world’s #1 authority on personal growth – Tony Robbins – this event shows people what drives every behavior, thought, decision and emotion they experience. Participants will discover their true purpose, improve every relationship in their lives and design the life of their dreams as they fully reshape their destinies.

Date With Destiny is unlike ANY other event on the planet – it’s Tony’s favorite event because of the depth of transformation that occurs. During this intensive program, participants will eradicate destructive subconscious behaviors, create personal vision statements and use Tony’s proprietary 9 Elements of Impact System to get an overview of everything that influences the world they live in. Graduates of the program range from people like Grammy winner musician Melissa Etheridge to world-renowned dancer, choreographer, actor and singer Derek Hough.

Now available as an immersive virtual event, Tony Robbins’s Date With Destiny is drawing larger crowds than ever before as people seek to ignite their passions and take control of their lives once and for all.

Learn more about Date With Destiny:

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  1. Hi Mr. Robbins my name is Karen Ramtahal, I am contacting you on behalf of my brother Avinash. He has suffered a stroke and has been in the road to recovery, he is inspire by what you say and what you do. I wanted your help to see if you had advice for his recovery and be able to know him.

  2. Pain, Sufferings & Bad Experiences are the Blessings in Disguise!?

    Everything, Good or Bad, is a lesson to learn, to become even stronger than before!

    Death meets everybody one day,

    but face all these with a smile, gratitude towards life and God & be an inspiration to the other fellow beings before you die!

  3. I’m grateful for my husband, I love him more each day.
    I’m grateful for my children, who grow me in every way.
    I’m grateful for the ones, who taught me how to grieve.
    I’m grateful for the one, who taught me to believe.
    I’m grateful for the Lord, who gives me strength of heart.
    I’m grateful for my parents, who tore my world apart.
    I’m grateful for my sister, for showing me God’s love.
    I’m grateful for my friends who passed, and now live up above.
    I’m grateful for my spirit, who cannot give up.
    I’m grateful for my God, for filling up my cup.
    I’m grateful for my sight loss, it’s helped me see things clearer.
    I’m grateful for my chronic pain, it makes the good days so much dearer.
    I’m grateful for this life, and everything I’ve got.
    I’m grateful for the joy and pain, in this melting pot.

  4. O m g, i love you❤️‍?❣️ tony You are my guide all the way and there is no happy like me that there is like you in this world I will one day also change this world and I will change it like you even more than you and all because of you thank the Creator of the world that we have you.

  5. Thank you so much I have bipolar mixed episodes ocd panic attacks and just since Easter I am fighting heart failure at age 49 you guys have been a blessing from heaven above ?

  6. Muchas Gracias Tony.
    Excelente todo tu trabajo.
    Has inspirado a miles de personas, que han hecho cambios muy importantes en su vida.
    Personalmente,me ha beneficiado mucho,el contenido del libro que estoy leyendo,Despertando al Gigante Interior.Lo considero una joya ? para aprender a vivir mejor.
    Los videos,han de ser de igual forma,de contenido excepcional,desafortunadamente,no puedo apreciarlos a ? % por no saber inglés.
    Me siento muy honrado por tener la suerte de dar mi opinión al respecto.
    Mi admiración y respeto para ti Tony,y por supuesto para tu gran equipo.