How to Conquer Your Mind and Embrace The Suck | David Goggins | Goalcast

How to Conquer Your Mind and Embrace The Suck | David Goggins | Goalcast

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  1. Physical abilities and mental strength aside, he can also teach everyone a thing or two about speaking. Nothing fancy, says what he means – and there is such belief and emotion in his words.

  2. manage your expectations.
    Think "how the f can I get thru this?"
    Don't give urself a way out of it.
    Exceed expectations
    Greatness isn't something u meet once u meet it 1000s of times.
    U deal with a lot of friction in your life and u grow.
    Whatever u don't want to do u do it.
    So that becomes ur life
    Do something that sucks everyday of ur life, that's how u grow.
    "Embrace the suck" lol

  3. I randomly heard this video due to a YouTube auto play about 2 years ago. This video put me on the path that I'm on today, and it completely changed my life. Thank you David.

  4. Thank you David we many choosing the freeway with al conveniences not the hard and do you know you have inspired to change my life thank you for sharing your story you my hero David!!

  5. Mirror mirror on the wall. No matter how hard I fall. Whether I run walk or crawl. I swear I’ll set my goal and achieve them all. Then I thank god for save me from harmful people so close to me. That fucked up unconditional love that scares you. I don’t understand the hate and all I have is. Love. I’ve decided I no longer let them. You understand. God bless you sir. Thank you.

  6. You know what really sucks: HAVES who continue to steal, cheat, lie, kill souls, are heretics toward those who don't fit in with haves..I personally know there are tons of HAVES who are completely a FRAUD and are wickedly USING others and the less fortunate for their own gains. I stand for all those HAVE NOTS who are yet making good choices in LIFE. This is what God says: Those who HAVE, the more will be given, and those who HAVE NOT, the more will be taken away". The HAVES all HAVE NAMES and I discuss with my counselor who is doing what in the HAVE POOL of lives.

  7. That what if David Gogins is talking about ia actualy the first step of directing tge subcontious mind where you wana go and what you wana do
    Basicly its to stop beliving and start thinkin what if i could be strong and mentaly tough and do this every day

  8. Words of wisdom ,you pick up the chovel you hit rocks many times ans still not give up and find how to over come it, its the same thing as life , you have to exceed the expectations

  9. Words cannot hurt anyone but it does form a path. I never interact much with white people. They never help anyone. U can take David's path and chose to help the poor kids lead a better life …I don't have much faith in grown ups

  10. Do realize that the N word is used here and in Britain. Asian looking people use it in Australia because they are confused because they don't realize their eyes are messed up looking. So instead of worrying about what people say understand that dark skinned people are valued and you were rulers in Egypt