How to Achieve Higher Intelligence and Spread It | Eckhart Tolle

How to Achieve Higher Intelligence and Spread It | Eckhart Tolle

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Most people have only activated a small part of our available intelligence, shares Eckhart. He invites you to achieve true …

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  1. As Eckhart describes the levels of consciousness, can you recall times in which you either slipped below or rose above awareness? When you rose above consciousness, was it through deliberate action? Did you realize that you had risen above consciousness only after the experience ended?

  2. So to say, to be aware of myself and others, stay present and react out of this state of presence. Better listening than talking and to observe. Good.
    It s not easy, because it s easear to react of the outopilot.I sould have in mind that I embody Higher Intelligence and be attentive and slow in reacting, better respondig if it s possible slowly and wisely.

  3. So true people think iq is most important thing . Iq is nothing but .1 percent Even that is high.. i always think people that are wise are way smarter because it was given by higher power which is God.

  4. Maybe this is why I don't seem to fit in anywhere. I want to be conventionally "successful" and yet I have relatively average or below-average intellectual intelligence and relatively high or above-average emotional intelligence. That actually kind of makes sense.

  5. أنا لا أعلم لماذا لا يتم الرد أنا بحاجة لأصل لهذه الأكادمية والتدريب عند المعلم ايكارت الرحاء الاهتمام لو سمحتم

  6. لو سمحتم اكتب المزيد من التعليقات للوصول للأكادمية لأنهم لايجيبون على رقم الواتس اب

  7. رجاءا لمن يملك معلومات اين توجد اكادمية المعلم ليكارت وماهو اسم الاكادمية تزويدي بالمعلومات ولكم جزيل الشكر

  8. Gewahrseinshalter
    Ich habe das Denken verlassen
    und schmecke den Tod
    der Form…
    Das Brot und Wein verborgen
    in Kraft der Kommunion…

    Ich bin nicht mehr
    an Sprache
    und noch nicht
    "ein Mensch"
    aus Licht geboren,
    und höre Dich flüßtern
    in Landschaft des Tieres :"Sei hier und Jetzt
    Sei der Du bist…

  9. Ego has a built in self destruct mechanism, yes it does, it’s almost like the work I did 20 years ago, which I only come back to now and again, triggered the slow but sure decline in my ego. Things that were important became trivial, other things took their place, like nature.

  10. As always soothing. Respond. So true forgive them. I am not alone in this challenge. Pray i may not be successful in endurance but there are many with me my body may not carry the cross. But many many the divine universe will do Thy will be done for the greater glory. Evolution of consciousness. Thank you love and peace to all.

  11. It's interesting his comments on Karma. As an amateur astrologer I feel this is true. Currently Pluto is in the end stages of Capricorn that rules the existing order, establishment. Pluto is about to finish what it started in 2008. When it moves to Aquarius which rules the collective there will be more demand for the people to have their say and more control. It stays for approximately 15 plus years. Be prepared early next year for a massive global reset.

  12. HIGHER INTELLIGENCE is NOT part of the human entity, as the human GENOME contains DOUBLE LOGIC !
    True Intelligence, is in "The Processing System of LIFE", referred to in ancient manuscripts, as "The HOUSE 0f GOD" !

  13. I have been practicing this "now awareness " even before i know or heard about Echart, and talking about higher intelligence, i notice that in my life there are particular part that really amazes me how could it happen and why, but i know subtly in my awareness that it is the result of continuous practice of awareness, well you may wonder what it is im talking about, before i practiced this, i am also a normal guy with just moderate social skills, thinking and processing real life situation also just so so, but ever since doing this, when i am meeting other people, or talking to them i suddenly can go on and on, like there are stream of knowledge flowing like a water, and at first i did not really look into this but after sometime, when i found Eckhart video and some other spiritual guru's around the globe could talk on and on like a very wise and knowledgeable man, suddenly i thought i am in the same path with them, and even knowing this my daily life always amazed me , always amaze me for how i could put a very different thought and my takes on a very different angle of life as if i was really an experienced being in life. Some people says the way i talk was powerful, and agreed by others but i dont really care about that, i care about the spiritual growth and also i really hope that everyone could become awakened spiritually too…