How Presence Helps You Face Life’s Challenges | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

How Presence Helps You Face Life’s Challenges | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this video, Eckhart shares how most of the challenges we face in life come from our own minds, and how the narrative our mind creates affects the way we perceive life. Facing it while being present brings something deeper than happiness, something that we could almost describe as an intensified sense of aliveness.

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  1. Haha ! Pardon me….. Eckart clearly spends lots of time in Airports diving into the Present, here & now, awful to have to suffer flights delays, flights cancellations, missing out lectures etc…. Anyway. 
    Land down here Eckart! Women, children suffer while men prefer ideologies, religions, philosophies, imaginary daydreams, fantasies of sorts. Add Walt Disney, Disneyland, all imbeciles out of touch with reality. This whole New Age is an absurdity, we all have our own Mountain to climb. One step at a time, and conditions are tough, many get taken along the way.


  3. I love the part about the ego having to give up because there was no future for it because the musician only had a year to live. This is a really fantastic way to think. I’m definitely guilty of saying why did this happen to me! Just because my ego tells I now have a burden to face in the future. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next minute really let alone the next day or month or year!

  4. LIFE does NOT have Challenges, nor Secrets ! ONLY humans have challenges, due to the Presence of DOUBLE LOGIC in the human GENOME… DISCOVER and Understand the DIFFERENCE, between "LIFE ( The Real Self )" and the Experience, which is just a 'STORY', displayed as a 'Holographic Simulation', in a very small Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE" !

  5. Prima vivi nei ricordi, poi ti proietti nell'illusione del futuro, poi sperimenti il tuo presente. E in fine vivi e realizzi " l'io sono ". Passato, futuro e presente in " uno " eterno momento.

  6. At times, you will dip out of presence and consciousness, and have a few things to say when constantly pushed. Not perfect human being. Working on being as present as possible.

  7. Eckhart Tolle, hearing you mention those accounts of people who had been diagnosed terminally ill and then surrendered to the present moment to avoid suffering is extremely motivating in terms of wanting to practice more presence in life. ?

  8. Eckhart, why do we have bad dreams? Is it a reflection of our consciousness? The mind seems to be an entity on its own. Handing us thoughts of worry and such that we have to ignore. What is up with the mind? lol

  9. Has anyone thought to get Putin Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now? He needs some Eckhart in his life. Along with some magic mushrooms for a dissolved ego and a raw experience that shows the truth of how his ego is causing global scale of suffering. I wish these egoicly ran leaders would awaken to their egoic reality! As silly as this all sounds the big question im dying to know is; Can someone like Putin awaken? Isn't that what the universe is pushing for? This war is a collective scale of human ego. How can the collective ego awaken from its darkness? How can we individually aside from our own awakening and changes in our lives, help the collective ego awaken? The more isolated Putin has become, the more he needs light to break through. What can be done? How do you reach an atheist thats ensnared in their ego? Thats how this war would be won. Not with destruction but with divine wisdom. You can see the solution for the collective is the same solution for an individual. We can try to put all these fires out all day long but ascension will not happen until every egoic leader at every societal level awakens to the ego built into our actual system. Even when Putin falls, unless there is a massive awakening there will be more egos trying to rise. How does humanity collectively beat the real fundamental battle of the collective ego? To say those who are awakening are ascending to another world where this war isnt happening is a facade. The power of our minds will not end the war. Where are the real answers to these truthful questions.

  10. I gravitate towards your teachings. I had a car accident and have brain injury. I need someone to e plane these teaching to me in lamen terms. Dumb it down. Lol. I’m desperate. I fear for myself sometimes and need to learn mor to calm my mind. If someone could help me please. Reply to this comment and I will get in touch for private conversation. Thank you. Love and light to all.

  11. I don't know if it's possible to get a question answered. Not important because I learned a lot. I had one awakening that suddenly had my understanding decades of experience. It's been a few years since. I can get unlimited more? Eckhart or anyone how are later ones? Not sure I'm remembering correctly from high school Asian religion