Here’s Why You Can’t Stick to Anything – Mastery by George Leonard

Here’s Why You Can’t Stick to Anything – Mastery by George Leonard

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If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here’s FightMediocrity beginner’s reading list:
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki:
2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss:
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:
4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene:
5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida:
6. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl:
7. Mastery by George Leonard:
8. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn:
9. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday:

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  1. Same thing happened to me when I used to share so much valuable information on my social media platforms and the results weren't as great as they should be… So regardless of how many interactions or support I used to get, I continued… And here I am 6 months later my followers have grown exponentially. Consistency is always better than intensity!
    Enjoy the video, share it with your friends 😉

  2. MASTERY by GEORGE LEONARD was the very first of these books I read. (did a video about too) A lot has happened with your videos and channel since you started dude? Cool to go back to the old stuff too

  3. How To Stay Motivated (Transcrição)

    When I first got into lifting weights, I couldn’t stay motivated at all. I made sure my lifting routine and nutrition were pretty much perfect, but I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t progressing.

    I would lift my personal record one week, then perfectly stick to my routine and nutrition, and I would come back one or two weeks later and guess what, lift the same weight or even less.

    This literally discouraged me to a point, where often I would completely disregard the gym for a few weeks because I felt like I needed to change everything about my diet and routine.

    And then I read Mastery by George Leonard, one of my biggest role models and a person who knew a thing or two about Mastery. And he said, “Look, the reason you feel that way is because of what you’ve been taught.”

    My mommy told me, “Hey, just work hard, you’ll get better and better every day.” And I bought into that so the mastery curve in my head looked like this… I thought over time, I would see constant progress.

    And Leonard said, “That’s the stupidest, most unrealistic thing you could expect on your path.” Your path is actually going to look something like this. And here you have the most important idea of a “plateau.”

    Most of your journey on your path to mastery is spent on that plateau. And it is after dedicated time on this plateau that you see progress and possibly even slight regress afterwards, but the big idea is that the new plateau is higher than your previous one.

    And that is how real growth happens. So I’ve literally used this idea with everything ever since I first read Leonard. Do you think I look at how my channel is doing today compared to yesterday or a week ago? Why, why would I do that?

    I look at… Is my routine and nutrition optimized or in this case, am I offering as much value as I possibly can and am I constantly trying to improve my content for my viewers? And the answer is “yes.”

    So there is no reason for me to lose motivation when my channel isn’t doing better than it was, I don’t know, yesterday or a week ago, because I know that in six months my channel will be kicking ass compared to today. And I will be on yet another plateau, diligently putting in the work to get to the next one.

  4. When I first got into lifting weights, I couldn’t stay motivated at all. I made sure my lifting routine and nutrition were pretty much perfect, but I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t progressing.

    I would lift my personal record one week, then perfectly stick to my routine and nutrition, and I would come back one or two weeks later and guess what, lift the same weight or even less.

    This literally discouraged me to a point, where often I would completely disregard the gym for a few weeks because I felt like I needed to change everything about my diet and routine.

    And then I read Mastery by George Leonard, one of my biggest role models and a person who knew a thing or two about Mastery. And he said, “Look, the reason you feel that way is because of what you’ve been taught.”

    My mommy told me, “Hey, just work hard, you’ll get better and better every day.” And I bought into that so the mastery curve in my head looked like this… I thought over time, I would see constant progress.

    And Leonard said, “That’s the stupidest, most unrealistic thing you could expect on your path.” Your path is actually going to look something like this. And here you have the most important idea of a “plateau.”

    Most of your journey on your path to mastery is spent on that plateau. And it is after dedicated time on this plateau that you see progress and possibly even slight regress afterwards, but the big idea is that the new plateau is higher than your previous one.

    And that is how real growth happens. So I’ve literally used this idea with everything ever since I first read Leonard. Do you think I look at how my channel is doing today compared to yesterday or a week ago? Why, why would I do that?

    I look at… Is my routine and nutrition optimized or in this case, am I offering as much value as I possibly can and am I constantly trying to improve my content for my viewers? And the answer is “yes.”

    So there is no reason for me to lose motivation when my channel isn’t doing better than it was, I don’t know, yesterday or a week ago, because I know that in six months my channel will be kicking ass compared to today. And I will be on yet another plateau, diligently putting in the work to get to the next one

  5. 1:00 great book

    "- Most of your journey on your path to mastery is spent on that plateau.
    – And it is after dedicated time on this plateau …you see progress and possibly even slight regress afterwards, but the big idea is that ….the new plateau is higher than your previous one.
    – And that is how real growth happens.

    instead of looking at …how my channel is doing today compared to yesterday or a week ago …now I will look at…

    – Is my routine and nutrition optimized or in this case,
    – am I offering as much value as I possibly can and
    – am I constantly trying to improve my content for my viewers?
    -And the answer is “yes.”

    So there is no reason for me to lose motivation when my channel isn’t doing better than it was ..yesterday or a week ago,
    because I know that 6 months channel will be kicking ass compared to today.
    ..And I will be on yet another plateau, diligently putting in the work to get to the next one "