Ex-Occultist: “They Call it “THE MASTER KEY Of The Universe”

Ex-Occultist: “They Call it “THE MASTER KEY Of The Universe”

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  1. We must always question reality that person questions reality they come to their own deep conclusion what reality is when they seek knowledge Grandma deeper perspective

  2. What a beautiful and detailed explanation. I think he's wrong on just a few things, but for the most part everything said here matches all I listened to and have clearly feel to be correct. The world is currently at a stage where it's hard to believe any general knowledge will fix it rather than making it worse yet again, but this is a step in the right direction in what can be done.

  3. So there is God? And yes Quran did say there are codes oaths in stars only some of the great will have knowledge. Our testpapers have already be written it's how we solve them to sucessed in afterlife. Those who choose patience and faith will receive endless bounty and those who choose evil ways will be in hell. But who have Allah in heart and keep fearing will enter anyway after getting punished of every minor sin and major is upon Him to judge. And a min of that punishment will be like 1000 centuries.

  4. Yeah but individual can't choose where to be born and control how much he can delede and renew the format depends how deep it's embeded esp fear phobias believes.
    So parenting is imp and many changes they want in large scale is playing with parents mind.

  5. It's literally as simple as positive and negative energy the free energy in the universe and the present form that it takes as it can neither be created nor destroyed but just change form

  6. Knowledge is power and absolute power corrupts absolutely! If your knowledge is directed in a positive fashion than your positive will prosper and you live in that higher State of energy versus negative energy draws you down and is then the negative ground of hell!

  7. I'm so ashamed to say I wasted too many yrs. listening to this man. Don't be fooled like I was! He told you in the first 3 min. "Don't believe me"….. That should tell you everything! If you REALLY want the truth begin by asking your creator! Something now foreign to us. You will not get a second chance if you get it wrong! After listening and searching for most of my life, now 62 I've realized only one thing that's important for those of us still living. There is a war on for your soul! That's where you need to begin. Yes!!! the occult is very real and yes, the real knowledge is hidden! And yes, they don't want you to know but not for the reasons he's giving you. I will say it again "there's a war on for your soul". It's as old as the beginning of time. This is for those who have ears to hear! No point in replying because I used to think just like you. The truth will set you free is very real!

  8. Beware folks, these teaching are from Isis and Baal the evil gods. Don't do it, stick to scripture. Love, compassion and forgiveness is all you need.

  9. Islam is a complete code of conduct.

    After listening to this informative video being a muslim, I can proudly say that practising Islam helps you to create harmony between a human being and this universe.

    If practised in the true sense of the word.

    For example, Islam tells me to get rid of all the negativity and be positive, be generous, be courteous, and be helpful.

    Islam tells me to get rid of all the desires and live for the moment.

    Islam tells me that when you don't have what you like, then you must like what you have and go with the flow.

    Islam tells me that don't lose patience as everything is happening on its appointed time as per the plan made by the best planner.

    Islam tells me to stay as simple as possible.

    These all tips are for human beings to create harmony with this universe.

    Everyone in history who has property practised Islam/positivity got connected.

    After sharing all these thoughts, I would agree to the fact that it is easier said than done to get rid of negativity/material desires and have patience to live for the moment.

    Why is it so difficult to practice positivity/Islam ?

    Because there are people out there who want us to be slaves of our desires to be distracted to be controlled easily.

  10. A great introduction to the occult world ..I would say the next stage is to realise that the centre of existence is Self….not your neighbor…not some outer God but self..whether you look at this as God created man in his image or just simply realise you are the God and the Sol or Sun is projecting 'your' reality out not someone elses … Take the word Script-Ures….ask yourself is the script …Ute's? ..
    Then when that has been established you can start to go back… You can begin to see what you may percieve as fault and its origins…

  11. "Quantum HyperDimensional Psionic Board "

    Aether Powered Psionics Device work.
    Why? Because it has the three elements of a psionic device a power source" Aether " , a wish or intent " written in the affirmative " and a target "you or another person" . It also incorporates the science of alchemy, sacred science and psionics. This technology is beyond magic working in both quantum physics and metaphysical realms.
    Change your Reality, Change your Life !

  12. The exact same as a useless school education. Were taught a load of rubbish and graded on that rubbish and we go through life thinking ? Well that's all I know so I must be rubbish ! I've said for years, we need as the Human Race to drop two words ! God and Religion and replace with. Love and Spirituality. Then we all as one will move forward. Calmer, You reap what you sow ! Plant a good crop and you'll reap the rewards ! Plant a weed ? Well all you'll get is crap that will suffocate your good crop !!!