Eric Thomas | Habit Stacking (Spiritual Development)

Eric Thomas | Habit Stacking (Spiritual Development)

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  1. Before I discovered Dr. Eric Thomas, I planned to die and nearly succeeded in September of 2019. Sine then, I've discovered Dr. E.T. and realized it was me; over a year. Somehow I survived, I have my mind, I have my body – with slight alterations – and know I am here for something. I do not know what yet, but since listening to him, while under a rock, I've learned about personal reasons and endeavored myself with culture (James Baldwin and Frederick Douglas as an example) and have been tying to acclimatize to the realization of what's humane in a holistic sense. In essence: Dr. E.T. gave me enough courage to live rather than the courage to dissipate into nothingness; and for that i say thank you Good Sir.

  2. Amen what a powerful and needed message, I will for sure be listening to this regularly until it sets in. My family is depending on me, Thank you Go????????????????????????

  3. This man has literally changed my life. What makes him so powerful is that he’s not just a motivational speaker, but that he’s a follower of Jesus Christ and comes at it from that perspective. He speaks pure unadulterated truth and has wisdom beyond measure. May God continue to bless you Eric Thomas

  4. I had to do look into myself today . I had to really dig down and realize don’t matter how great I am , to habit stack , take the ugly with the beautiful, to realize I too have weaknesses I have to strengthen. Thank you so much ET. Everytime I mess up , it’s like you knew exactly what I went through . I love you bruh thank you . I am born with greatness, and God will always be first . ???????????? I always gotta play your videos when I’m not right .

  5. Yoooo … I Love how God talks to us… Glory be to God Almighty… especially when you have a plan and He says, not today!… Today you will run to the message I have for you.. wooo… This message was properly prepared for me 2 years ago.. Lord I thank you for Brother Eric…