DON'T LOSE HOPE – Best Motivational Speech Video

DON'T LOSE HOPE – Best Motivational Speech Video

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“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein. In hard times, please DON’T LOSE HOPE.

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? We’ve been lucky to have such generous content partners allowing us to remix and create
inspirational & motivational visual tapestries from their life-changing and eye-opening interviews.
Below you can find their channels:

Impact Theory
► Tom Bilyeu for eye-opening interviews:

Lewis Howes
► Our friends at School Of Greatness:

London Real
►The Brian Rose army for informational inspiration:

► For mind-altering, consciousness state-changing content:



Jordan Peterson
Jay Shetty
Jim Rohn
Hammock – Turn Away and Return
Jacob Montague:
Then We Deserve Oblivion


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? OUR EPIC PROJECTS (just in case you’re new here):
The Greatest Motivational Speech Video Compilation Of All Time:
The One You Watch When You’re Lost:
The Most Thought-Provoking:
The Most Popular:

The majority of our footage has been licensed in this video through FilmPac, Artgrid, and various stock footage sources except for parts about the topic that have been used under fair use to enhance the creativity and art of the video.
The music is licensed through MusicBed and various other music licensing companies. We also create our own motivational and inspirational music to select exclusive projects. If there are any concerns with some of the content please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]

Welcome to the official Absolute Motivation YouTube channel! Our mission is to inspire and motivate the world through remixed content exploring various topics and expressed in a motivational and inspirational manner. On this channel, you’ll find a variety of content including inspirational videos, motivational speeches, insightful information presented in an inspirational way, and much more. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!

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  1. I could write a book on getting teeth kicked in. At one point enough is enough… you may have your why – but what do you do after the next thing drags you down into fucking hell? And then the next. And the next. Your why gets eroded. How do you recover that?

  2. I was so stupid to not believe in myself in my early life and to not to unfold boldly to the world and that i let other people’s evil get to me and destroy me. Now at 30 i feel so tired and that i have a million battles to fight alone. I feel so lost ???

  3. It's not the length of our lives that matter, it's the depth and meaning of it all. When we resist change, we resist life. All that lives is in the course of change, ever part of us all will be appointed by change, for it is through the same process of change that we came to exist.

  4. The best thing you can do for the people around you is to focus on yourself. Look after yourself first then you will naturally have more to offer those around you, even if it's just by being an example. You can't pour from an empty cup!

    Wishing you all the best!

  5. Wow! This is one of your best! Maybe because it hit me square on.
    I need to get out of my own way, out of a programmed life. We have to endure…….cause each tiny steps gets us closer to peace and purpose.
    "What would I do and love everyday?" I can answer that,,,,and that in fact turns on a bright light for me. Because I do believe in it, and feel passionately about it… much more each day. My future is up to me………….thanks again… blessed!!!

  6. Your thoughts are LIARS, Do NOT Believe everything you think! 97% of our thoughts are the same as yesterdays, this is why we must learn to, “think outside the box!” Surround yourself with those who will help you become the next version of you and visualise the NEW YOU, take action and know that it IS going to feel uncomfortable but trust me, you will be in absolute awe of who you truly are when you push through the barriers of limiting beliefs. #believe ?❤️?

  7. I am currently going through a state where I want to do things that can benefit my future, but I am just addicted to the things that doesn’t benefit me like Video Games and Mastebatation . Any advice of how to change this?