Deaf Comedian Turns Tragedy Into Comedy | Kathy Buckley Inspirational Video | Goalcast

Deaf Comedian Turns Tragedy Into Comedy | Kathy Buckley Inspirational Video | Goalcast

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✪ We found a Kathy Buckley gem from 20 years ago with a life lesson that stands the test of time! In this video, the “Deaf Comedian”, shares her incredible story of setback after setback, until one day she decided to take control.
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  1. Brought here by a Peter Sage video. This is empowering. Take charge of your life. Make your own choices regardless of what happens to you.

  2. I saw this and realised that in past I made few choices based on situations and now I can again make new choices to move forward in my life, without any guilt and embarrassment I can reclaim my life. Thanks for the reminder ❤️?

  3. That's the limit you can think of the challenges that show u no matter if even life doesn't go with you ,you can pave way to make this life made by your own efforts ❣️

  4. Kathy Buckley is truly a miracle! She shares a very powerful message with the world. She overcame extreme health crises and challenges but chose to live. Her inspirational journey of life encourages us to choose to live, no matter what we face. God's blessings on this amazing lady!

  5. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Kathy without previously knowing of her or anything about her. She is just as beautiful, intelligent and inspiring in reality as she is on stage. Thank you Kathy for being so beautiful and powerful, your energy is a breath of fresh air to the people who can see or feel your presence.

    That being said if you did switch food with a blind girl, she probably still knew it. 😉

  6. I had the pleasure of sitting next to her on a plane from California to NJ. She is naturally funny and told me a little about her life. I just watched this video and am in tears. What a brave and inspirational woman you are Ms Buckley.

  7. Love this.
    Women we can drag on forever lol true a grudge. But so precious everything has a time limit.

    Good and bad.

    I try and be humble to everyone mainly underdogs I love so much I teach my kids that they are 6 and 5. I was bullied in school. My passions in life are bullied adults/children, homeless, and disabled.

    Life is all about the stories it truly is

    Here one minute home the next

    Live your life !

  8. What a beautiful accident this was stumbling on this video!!! Serendipitious I can relate to her story in some of these stories I too was hit by a car and in a wheelchair I too had suicidal run ins and still do to this day its hard to shake off I haven't found a will to live just another day has gone by where i chickened out and desperately wanting to fit in school with all the other students all my life. I was really really poor, I was black one of few black students at most of my schools, I was taller and bigger and more developed than kids my age group so while everyone was treating the other little kids like "other little kids" they treated me like a teen or like I was a good 4 years older than my peers. And that hurts and isolates you even more. Ontop of that i was abused severely neglected and I reeked so bad from not bathing for months at a time. My hair was a mess and wasn't combed and my mother was batshit crazy didn't take care of us well and our house was filled with roaches and every now when I wasn't physically abused by my mom (with hair pulling scratching biting smothering me with a pillow throwing shoes and books and plates at me my dad would come in and out of my sisters life and would also abuse me with belts extension cords and when he was drunk he touched me a few times and made inappropriate sexual jokes to me as early as the age of 10 to the age of 17. AND to put the cherry ontop I was and am struggling with ADHD and a Learning disability.

    When I entered high school age I was so eager to go to school make new friends get a better chance but first let me enjoy a semester or year off by doing homeschool just to get away from bullies and feeling isolated in school with no friends. Halfway through the school year I remember deciding that I wanted to go back to "real school" in the fall cause being by myself without people my age wasn't all that I cracked up to be. My mom thought I'd be safer from bullies and "bad teachers" if I went back but I knew in my heart I wanted to try. Sadly fall never came and I never had the chance to experience high school. I got by a car just a week before easter at the age of 14. From then on it changed my whole entire life 16 years later that screwed everything up from there on henceforth. I was in a wheelchair and my emotional and mental growth was stunted and I was left bedridden fending to myself. My mom would leave food on the bed my school textbooks and the remote and a jug of water and I was often there by myself for hours on end day in and day out. And what that does to the mind I believe is almost equivalent to what prisoners face in solitary confinement. When I say I spent the next 3 years in solitary confinement. I'm not saying it was to the extent of prisoners I had things to look at. TV and I had my mom and sister for social interaction I sometimes had neighbors and sometimes had my creepy angry unpredictable father. And I had a few kids my age come in and out of my life. And a creepy male ultra religious babysitter while I was bedridden who tried to massage my knees to bring sensation back into my legs and knees but then tried to massage my back a few times and I felt awkward and told him please just the knees nothing else when he made the second attempt at my back I felt my body freeze up and then I told him "yea you know what I'm good now I think its time for my nap"…. But that was it. Some people may get offended that I compared myself to prisoners in solitary confinement but I say "I was an innocent girl who should've been in high school. I was 14 to 17 years of age when this happened. I committed no crime so why am I punished this much?" that person who says that to me is my sister who never will get or understand what I went through…..after high school I want to say my life got better but sadly it didn't hence the suicidal run ins and trauma and ptsd from the accident the abuse and later on sexual assault and run ins with homelessness in downtown los angeles. But anyways….i digress

    I say all this to say I can relate to this woman so much I may not be deaf but I am disabled. I may have not been ran over by a lifeguard but I was hit by a car knees completely destroyed and in a wheelchair just like her 16 years later I can walk and sometimes run but its getting hard and harder to walk bend get up from the ground and I'm barely 30 years old. I did whatever I could even acts of desperation to fit in with the kids doing whatever i could to get them to like me being the class clown disrupting class, then by wearing tight fitting clothes so I could be pretty like the other girls so boys would stare at me and give me attention too, and realizing my disability made it hard for me to understand the teacher or the homework while so many other students got it I fell behind and it was made worse being "homeschooled" after getting hit by a car. I fell behind even more in school. Like running a race with other students but while everyone had on study durable comfortable running shoes from Nike I was running in flip flops that were too big for me and while they were running and they'd get cheers and pats on the back along the way I was getting either booed or ignored completely. While they got water bottles to help quench their thirst so they can remain alert and healthy I was getting hit the head with water bottles….I know what its like to want to die and kill yourself everyday but I never quite tried as far as she had I chickened out everyday. That's why I'm still here. And I may have not had cancer ontop of it all but I did have a cancer scare when the doctors and nurses found lumps in my neck right at the start of this pandemic and while the world freaked about the coronavirus I was having my own little war with what could or could not have been cancer. I do not have cancer thank god but that scare scared me and I'm done with life knocking me down like they did to Kathy! While its hard to find humor in my tragedy it's incredible that she can and she's a hero in my eyes and a complete role model. I'm glad today I found out about you thank God for you Kathy amen!!!