Conscious Problem Solving | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Conscious Problem Solving | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Eckhart walks us through a simple method to find solutions to everyday challenges. Rather than trying to compulsively think our way out of situations, he suggests a form of focused thought that accesses the nonconceptual intelligence of consciousness. From this place of awareness, we can create solutions that are not based in ego identification.

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  1. OMG I don't know what to do with my grand daughter being so sick. We live In Canada, my Daughter's family in US . Linnis whole life so many hospital stays, she has suffered so. My daughter is a full time nurse. Linnis was admitted Mon. With 106 fever. Two hospt. Later covid. Emergency Sergey a rough 24 hours now back in again. My thinking mind is running a marathon. Thanks ?

  2. I think I would give my right arm to spend one day with Eckhard and talk with him…
    I am battling Problems for over 20 years…No Therapie could help .The biggest problem is that my body is constantly in Stress and anxiety and I am never relaxed..i know it has to do with thinking..The only way if I relax if I am thinking on "Nothing"… but that happens just for a few seconds.. it's so hard to explain and I don't find the right words..But sometimes I think he's the only one who know the answer .I watched every video many times But I just can't get through ..I stuck in that situation for over 20 years.. . Im really scrared that the point will come when no more strength is's so exhausting…

  3. Me listening to this while trying to decide whether to pull my 11yo son from public school. Go with the flow/trust or break out of the system… ?

  4. Yes, focus on task at hand. Keep noise out. I think that that is why Tom Brady has been so successful. He seems to have a clear mind…and great focus at each moment. Well, also a good supporting cast, but still. Then again, I think he helped them to focus on the task at hand.

  5. Really really love this! Two weeks ago I was on vacation a few days and at the last day I got a phonecall a car crashed through the garden wall into my garden! I know this idea of "having created it" but I had to do a lot of work and talking to the insurance company. Meanwhile many things happened and I tried to accept the situation just as it was. Very funny to see this film and so very usefull! Thanks Eckart! ??????

  6. Problem solving It is necessary in life because problems crop up all the time, I prefer to call them situations and challenges that need some kind of respond or action.  It is important to practice how to do it by applying consciousness through stillness and analytical mind. First stillness and then analytical mind.

  7. How to differentiate between a real problem and one that is created by the mind?
    Ask If i did not argue with the isness of this moment will this be a problem?
    mostly no, it will be a challenge perhaps but not a problem