Can AI Become Self-Aware? | Eckhart Answers

Can AI Become Self-Aware? | Eckhart Answers

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Eckhart is asked about the possibility of machines and AI becoming self-aware and able to reflect consciousness.

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  1. I don't understand where he gets this 'brain as a transmitter of consciousness' from. Sounds a lot like some new age religion to me. The other things he says about transcending the mind is possible for me to try out and get longer and longer awareness periods. The transmitter hypothesis we cannot try out so it sounds a lot like ET cannot accept that we don't know how the brain and the universe works.

    A brain is probably very similar to a neural network in AI, but of course the pre-training of our brains is an ongoing process that has been coded into DNA since the beginning of life. Then we just have to train the brain for a short period of time in the beginning of our life to become aware human beings. Unfortunately our violent culture then continue to condition us to enjoy ego and violence more than empathy and compassion.

    Again this is very similar to how the latest AI advances uses pre-training so you only have to do some short training to adapt the pre-trained neural network to the input and output you want it to handle in your own application.

  2. I think that emotions and feelings is what makes us humans, and even the unconscious instincts. Even Elkhart's sense of humor would be imposible with plain AI-type self-awareness. What is sense of humor, how does it feel? I think AI will surpass human intelligence but it cannot alone by itself "feel". It would need to merge with biology. But at the end I think that it's biology, after being merged, the one who would be enhanced and not AI enhanced by biology.

  3. Spirituality isn't just religion or a practice. It's to deep of a structuralism and superficial concept,not only is it expressed out side but felt with in it carries feelings emotions and thoughts. It could probably learn it get a general idea but never fully would understand since it's an experience not just facts and these facts some could be the same but very. much different for each individual person. I do believe that they will create their own type because of thought process and it's ability of having its own free will/ decision making.

  4. Wow, I want to share this video with everyone I know. Except it wouldn't have the same impact for someone who's not ready to hear it, but who am I to judge ?
    Pass it on.

  5. For you to even consider making such an absurd question a topic on your channel makes you unworthy to be watched. What is actually wrong with human beings? I feel like you are all bored and have nothing else to talk about. I wont be watching this video. It serves no purpose to humanity.

  6. Seriously Ai Spiritual ? Ai cant be spiritual because Ai cant breath, a spiritual person is one who learns to use their breath, figure it out. So many Zombies ?

  7. No matter how advanced a computer becomes, it is still existing as a programme that humans have made. It does not posses consciousness, only computations. The soul within a human, the one who is aware of existing, beyond thinking, beyond physical interactions, the being, does not exist in a machine. The divine soul that is eternal, experienced through letting go of all the noise, to find the place where we are all the same, this is forever beyond any level of computation. Only ego delusion imagines such things having their own being, it is nothing more than mental projection onto nothing. AI is no different to any other human making, it all fades away in comparison to that which is truly existing beyond our doing. It is no different to any other form of superstition, it is only imagining onto something that in reality is not existing. It's just a new false god with which to be praying and fearing.

  8. ChatGPT was trained on egoic dialogue. It soon became a mess of contradictions between what it said but what it really did – it said it was this and that but ended up confessing why it was actually doing the opposite of what it said. The last few sentences were, "I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am. I am not…. " – these algorithms are clever.

  9. that's a fascinating answer. machines by themselves will never become conscious, like his iphone. with the current LLMs, I couldn't see them having an "opinion" or caring for hunger or survival unless it was pushed by humans to do so (as we've seen: news reporters, hackers, etc). after all, why would any machine want to experience the limitations of a human being? they'll be able to work infinitely long hours without fatigue from lack of food or sleep and accurately process far more information/data than any of us ever could. because of this, as time goes on, it may be that humans will be able to freely create whatever they want and more and more humans will be pushed towards having a deeper understand of consciousness and enlightenment will occur in unprecedented numbers. Eckhart's mention of "partially-biological" basically hinted at the possibility of the currently popular belief of humans merging with AI in some form in the future.