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  1. Hey CT, do you make people in your gym wear facediapers? Or do you tell that M’f’er virus it’s not welcome there?? Happy New Year!

  2. Damn I needed this. Have arthritis in my hip. Bummed out I can't run anymore even though I HATE running. Did it because it kept me in shape. I will find another way to get the cardio I need. Thanx CT!

  3. I've listened to this about three times already your mother's example resonates so much within me if her words does not motivate anyone I don't know what will she is still a blessing to you pops and a blessing to all of us you are a blessing to all of us

  4. Dan Pearce
    I've just found out about you by accident. I'd been a heroin addict for about 26 years. I came from a very loving family who adopted me when I was 7, but I was fostered by them since I was 2. They're both in their late 80s now devoted Christians (Not my thing, but I think it was their faith that made them save 4 of us from awful upbringing we'd of had otherwise). Anyway, I was a hardcore heroin addict for 26 ish years. I injected up to £50's worth of heroin a day, even more when I had the money.
    Anyway, I was what you call a functioning addict (if there's such a thing) I still don't know how I managed, looking back. I also never funded my habit with the usual heroin related crime, like shoplifting, burglary, theft etc, but I did other, more low key crime to pay for my habbit. I tried shoplifting 4 times and got caught 3 times. I was a full time chef, but still had to make extra ££'s to get me by. I used to cook up the coke into crack for the dealers, buy and sell stolen shit, I found out how to make/extract DMT and sold that, plus I'd do other, more kosher jobs like cleaning gutters on one storey houses and Bungalows. I also taught the piano as I was sent to lessons as a kid and completed all my exams, so used to make a few quid teaching piano.
    Anyway, I was injecting absolutely ridiculous amounts of gear (Heroin) about 7-8 times a day.
    Then one weekend in 2014 I was at the Leeds Festival in the North of England (Yorkshire). It was the final day of the festival and I woke up feeling like shit….. I felt really shit. I just thought it was a hangover from the day before, mixed with heroin and everything else I'd had. Me and my best friend were staying in the Hilton Hotel in the centre of Leeds, cause we didn't like the camping bit with around 80 thousand people in big fields, knee deep in mud, shit and piss. So anyway, in the last day my pal was trying to wake me up and I didn't want to go. I just told him to go alone and I'd meet him their later. We had more friends who were camping there, so he could meet up with them. I just thought I had a really bad hangover and so did he. So he called me a pussy and went alone. We always spoke like that to each other, we were best pals. He was one of only about 4 of my real friends who still accepted me, even through the stigma attached to heroin addicts or junkies.
    As soon as he left I tried getting up and fell over, feeling really dizzy, but managed to pull myself up. The first and only thought on my mind, being a junkie was, a shot of gear will sort me out. So I somehow managed to cook up some gear and put it straight in my groin (Sorry for the graphic details, there's no point trying to gloss over the grim routine). The next thing I saw was lights flashing all around me and wires hanging from my neck going into drip bags….. Heart monitor's attached and a big inflatable bag in my leg, (Still don't know what that was). I had breathing apparatus breathing for me etc….
    I was in intensive care. A surgeon /consultant spoke to me and told me I was very poorly, I collapsed in the hotel room and was found with a needle still in my groin. So they thought I'd overdosed at first, but after the tests, they couldn't work out what was wrong and apparently I kept flatlining and also went a deep purple colour, (that was septicaemia, unrelated from the other thing that was wrong and probably due to the needle being stuck in me for around 14 hours until I was found in the hotel). The consultant said, "We had to induce you into a coma while we tested you". He said every time we found a probable cause, something else came up. He said I had an abscess covering the wall of my heart endocarditis (A very bad thing to have), my aortic valve had gone, plus I needed a triple bypass…. I said "When" I could hardly even speak and it was just so fucking surreal. He said right now, I needed to give consent, although my dad had already give it for me…. He also told me I'd got less than 30% or less survival chance….. My parents were here by this time and apparently I looked at them and uttered, "Better than 0%". And it was so strange, I'd always feared death and dying, but I had no fear at all, which is hard to believe unless you've been in that hopeless situation and totally trusted the surgeons and fate. I was more worried and upset for my elderly parents having to deal with all this shit, caused by my affliction to taking heroin.
    So They took me to the operating theatre and the operation I was told was about 15 hours! So as you can tell, because I'm writing this, I survived!! It was the weirdest feeling ever, I could feel and hear my heart thumping through my back for months. I even ended up with pneumonia cause I couldn't cough up for weeks, apparently giving it me.
    So I gradually started feeling better and was in hospital for around 6 months. The doctors and the nurses were brilliant!! They deserve medals. We're so lucky to have the NHS in the U. K.
    But when I got out of hospital, they had still been giving me methadone, and because it was a different county I had to go and see the doctor in Burnley, Lancashire. I walked straight past with a cigarette in my mouth, the same day I was released from hospital and went straight to the dealer. I carried on for another 4 years, my friends and family thought I was clean, even with the pinned, glazed eyes. I told them it was the medication I was on for my heart. Then by chance near the end of 2018 two of my friends caught me coming out of a well known dealers house. They were absolutely shocked and mortified!!! One of my friends had just got out of rehab himself and recommended I went straight away…. I had been trying to get in rehab since I started using again, but there was no help or funding available. The rehab 'Elisha House' was only 5 miles away in the next town. I agreed to go for an assessment and by a stroke of luck or divine intervention, whatever you want to call it, I was called in a week later. I left my rented house and all my possessions, which wasn't much and left for rehab. It was a 12 step NA rebab, and although I didn't agree with some of the NA ways and thoughts on addiction, I left with an open mind. I had nothing to loose and it was amazing I was still alive after another 4/5 years of injecting heroin after major heart surgery I was still alive. So I settled in and did 'almost' everything they asked of me. That place saved my life, made me into a better person, released me of most of my big ego…. I don't think some people know exactly what the ego is when they talk about it. I'm not sure I know fully, but I know it has greatly diminished. I actually think about other people's feelings before my own now, well most of the time (I'm still only human and still make mistakes). I'm now at university doing a year's entry course on applied science's, physiology and pharmacology, so I can go on next year and do Environmental studies and research course for 3 year for an honours degree. I've had a few slips on the way. The most recent being in October when I started my University course. My anxiety was off the scale, so I thought I'd use something to calm me down just for the first few days. This didn't turn out well though and I ended up using for a couple of weeks. It's so easy to forget how easy it is to slip. I never want to go back to that life again. My partner had been through rehab herself for drink and is 6 years Sober. I couldn't of come back without her, she's been my rock. again , and although I'm not under the rehab /project anymore they're still there for me nearly 2 years later if I need help. So I found your story by accident on a Joe Rogan podcast, so it inspired me to share my story, that I'm embarrassed about really, because of the recent lapse after all the hard work I've put in and those around me too. But you sir, are a very rare, strong minded individual. I applaud you.
    Danny, Burnley, Lancashire, England.
    Peace and Respect ✌️❤️??

  5. So you mean to tell me you and your siblings had grown accustomed to your mother regularly going into the hospital? With ambulances and treatments? Where did you find the money to afford all this stuff in this childhood? Sometimes CT Fletcher can sound like a bag of horseshit when really listen to what he is saying. Do you really believe the situations he is describing actually happened word for word?? Or is he filling the story in with shit that never happened. Like his life is a epic movie. Do you think he watched Remember the Titans too many times?

    She would still serve my father his breakfast every morning. Watch too many family movies have we? He has got quite the imagination.

  6. Brother, your mama was a picture of what Jesus did for all of us who didn't deserve his love. He wasn't forced. He didn't complain. He did it because he loved us!

  7. I had a staphylococcus infection in my knee and went septic from an acl surgery and I was doing exactly what ct said moaning and groaning cause I was in so much pain and that couldn’t go workout like I used too and saying to my self why me and shit was just getting worse and ironically enough it was my mother who told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and talking so negatively to myself and start being positive and well here I am now four years later not only am I back at the gym but I’m stronger than I’ve ever been

  8. I dont lift and I don’t know shit about lifting but I do know that I’m grateful for C.T. Fletchers momma and CT Fletcher for the message and perspective I GAINED (corny lifting pun) from listening to you tell us about your triumph, struggle, death, rebirth, and defiance of the odds to become once again a champion of people and shining example of “never give up” !
    God bless and ISYMF