Being In Nature With Eckhart Tolle

Being In Nature With Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart Tolle describes the reciprocal transformation that can unfold when we truly commune with nature.

This video features the music of Nawang Khechog as found on the album “Music As Medicine”(2004) You can sample more of the album and purchase it here:

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.

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  1. It makes me very happy to know that there are people like Eckhart out in the world, who have as great an appreciation for the stillness of nature as I do. I believe that all people can learn to love nature, but that there are certain types of people who are just inherently drawn to it even from a young age, such as myself.

    It is important to understand that people who choose to destroy nature are not evil at heart. They simply don't know any better because they've never had a true teacher. Someone to help them find their soul and teach them to distinguish their genuine self from the masks that we put on to attempt to fit into our society. Fighting people with anger will accomplish nothing, only kindness and love will truly make a difference in this world.

  2. I thank you Mr. Tolle for having opened up  a whole universe of possibilities with your great insight about the power of consciousness and  the vast universe. I had read the power of Now and  it has  become like my second bible that I carry it with me in  my car.  I was quite delighted enjoying the video about mother nature inner stillness, I know what you are referring to ,for I do that in the morning around my house taking small walk and letting nature to caress me with it majestic touch of fresh air. 

  3. I often wonder why nature is sometimes cruel. There is plenty of footage of predators inflicting suffering on their prey when they could easily put the animal out of its misery. I've even seen hunters playing with their prey for fun. Are we right to be disgusted with that side of nature, as well as with our destructive ways? Namaste

  4. I am grateful for the great teachers and their lessons to have presented them selves after a great deal I have suffered to which have guided me to this very moment, ever alive and awake in that the light shines through. One life… is real beauty and a knowing of peace within and true love.

  5. Lissening to birds and Natur and the Wind is lispeling is jest wonderfull ,It makes me being only the watcher.Natur heals a Brocken Soul,go in the Forrest and Trye it,it is the most healing to the Heart!

  6. I have Tinnitus in both ears. It occurred while I was in the Canadian Army as an Artillery Gunner. I have to go deeper than my hearing to find silence. The ringing never stops, and is fairly loud. I've had it many years now, and although I live with it, I must accept that its never completely silent, in my ears. But this, at times, becomes my practice. I have also used the ringing as an object to focus on, while meditating. Anyone else with Tinnitus have any "tips" for acceptance of this condition?