A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

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Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction — from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they’re bad for us. Learn more about the mechanism of habit development and discover a simple but profound tactic that might help you beat your next urge to smoke, snack or check a text while driving.

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  1. Interestingly, federally funded studies through MAPS are finding that small amounts of psychedelics greatly affect the default mode. You become more aware of what is typically on auto pilot and are able to essentially reprogram yourself. It’s literally, “if you could see yourself right now…” Granted, I feel the majority of folks don’t need to use those kinds of tools, but it does make you think about what nature has given us, how it seems to magically interact with just the right receptors, and also makes you wonder about how significant a role they played in the shaping of our species over millennia. If this talk gives you anything, read up on what he referred to as default mode. It’s fascinating.

  2. I did smoke. But I never get addicted. Because I know smoking isn't gonna help me solve my problems, it just romanticizes anxiety. So I became disenchanted with smoking altogether even though mint Marlboro was kinda fun.

    My friends smoke but I don't. Just adjust your mind in a way that finds smoking isn't cool or helpful in any way. Good luck quitting smoking.

  3. Trigger,behavior,reward, simple, well after a while our creative brasibe you know you can use this for more than just remembering where you know net time you fell better why not try eating, we thanks our brains for the the if we eat chocolate or ice cream when we fell better, same process just a different trigger instead of this hunger signal coning the emotional siganil felling sad, maybe in our, and we see those,and we see those rebel kid outside smoking and we thinks. So start smoking

  4. And the majority of them had tried this On avarage, now with mindfulness, we dropped the bit about forcing, in fact we event told them to smoke, go ahead smoke, just really curious, and what did they noticed, well here and expamle from one of our, she Said mindful smoking, and tested changell, quinical, that's why she, was that smoking testes, now she moved from to wisdom, tho now it in her, she started to became, that youngest part of our breind, it understand and tried is hard hardest

  5. a little story, so since the pandemic I have bad habits like getting up late, being lazy, procrastinating, lazy to move, always lying helpless in bed and it makes me feel uneasy and I found a book from james clear that is atomic habits, I started creating good habits since august 2020 but not consistently, until finally 2021 is the year where i manage to process consistently, i avoid sleeping late, and it makes me feel good but now (lately) I feel back to my bad habits, because I am going through a period of depression, anxiety, and sadness, I lost my interest in doing good habits and doing my hobbies, but besides that I am also afraid that I will be forever lost interest in it daily schedule on bad days 1. sleep late 2. get up late 3. no breakfast 4. Lying on the bed for too long etc daily schedule good habits 1. go to bed early 2. get up early 3. Fajr prayer 4. breakfast+cleaning the house 5. Duha prayer + shower 6. do school work 7.Learn English 8. Zuhur prayer 9. iron clothes 10.Exercise 30 minutes or more 11. read a book 12. take a bath + asr prayer 13.painting 14. vocal practice 15. afternoon walk I feel good when I do good habits but for now it's hard for me to do it Sorry friends, the story turns out to be not a little, but a lot

  6. This video in this moment made me realize one of my darkest truths… I am now aware of it, next step is handle it and I will try these steps. Thank you!

  7. If it were really that simple.
    This video is worth at least 100 trillion dollar to humanity.
    Potential result:
    1. No drug addict
    2. No alcohol
    3. No one smokes
    4. No obesity

    Everyone is at their full potential. The GDP could double next year.
    Isn't it a bad habit not bother to shave beards even it looks not that nice in front of a room of audience?
    The amount of condescension in this video can drown an entire nation.

  8. Why does every TED talk person think that they have to yap for 10 minutes before getting to the point of what they're talking about? And then force in some humor, when they are not humorous? It must be the TED talk formula that the audience don't know about. It's really quite tired, though.

  9. 1. Chú ý đến URGE.

    2. Nhận CURIOUS.

    3. Cảm thấy NIỀM VUI khi buông bỏ.

    4. Và, LẶP LẠI.

    Một cách tuyệt vời để loại bỏ những thói quen xấu! ?

  10. Craving can be controlled by Cognitive control ( That’s knowing what’s right or wrong).
    But when we get stressed out, it can be controlled by Mindfulness (That’s awareness of what’s actually happening in our bodies and mind form moment to moment).