“Your WILL is Being Paralyzed”

“Your WILL is Being Paralyzed”

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  1. I'm a targeted individual and this technology is being used on myself and others. We need to be doing testing on this as well. So that we can not only keep up with the technology but protect ourselves and others from this technology. You have to know the enemies abilities in order to properly defend yourself against them. We need good people, very intelligent people with minds that are oriented and informed of the methods to help or switch sides if they are already in the industry. So if you are one of the ones in this industry it's not too late to make things right and help us and everyone defend themselves.

  2. Very good information clearly explained. Downloaded the video using 4K and also shared it with this post:
    Unfortunately, those who know this knowledge are using it against humanity. (I don't think they like us.).

    To clear your mind of these manmade electric magnetic frequencies kneel on the ground and then touch your forehead to the ground. This connects your brain directly with the natural electric magnetic waves from the earth, and offset the harmful man made electric magnetic frequencies. This is also said to help clear the pineal gland so it returns to an active healthy state.

  3. Great vid. Covered so much. The great work as Crowley called it ‘The Great Work’ – understanding how the Will affects reality. Thoughts, imagination and wilful manifestation of future outcomes – can be used for good or evil means. Collective energetics of thought forms with Idols, memes and sigils – these are our religions and trends. Either you are a creator, or an influencer or else an activated reflector repeating what has been programmed. I believe that strengthening of the will through wilful defiance and independent thoughts – is how to beat what is happening – control via TV, mobile and ELF intrasomic manipulations which the powers now have under a one world alliance.

  4. Sadly, This Is Already Happening To
    All Of Us… UNKNOWINGLY !!!
    That's What The 5-G's & Now Soon
    To Be, 10-G's. Their Already Screwingg W/Our Minds W/All
    This Through Our PHONES & Daily USAGE !!!!!

  5. So the swab stix laced with NANOBOT worms are being introduced to what % of COVID Swab uses . The Symbiot can easily enter the eyeball from up the nose into the eyes "wiring" . Mind control. Is that why there's bn SHootings. Mind control on weak ppl . Across America. Another experiment . ????????????????

  6. They don't need the tech equipment to attempt to influence our thoughts. In fact if you are not aware that you have multiple beings communicating with your head rite now and at different times at the start or arch of what you are choosing to do with yourself, or are following another unaware that someone else gave the suggestion, direction or thought to your head, in the form and strategy of being phrased like you are talking to yourself as you usually do. Then you are already under the influence of someone else, but are not aware of it! In fact if you are not knowing that you must fight to be the one that is forming the thoughts in your Heart, to the actions of your head & hands, then you are under the control of another rite now, and don't know who! Because that is how they automatically want to do it here in this World with the negative enslaving side of Beings in the Sky. We can begin to test this to see if it is true or not by practicing to be sure to stay quite at times, and only listen, listen, listen to see if there are any other voices speaking in our heads. When we are sure it is not us, by our efforts to be quite and say nothing, then we know it is another when we hear another voice speaking in our heads that is Not us! There are Positive & more Negative than Positive Eternal Beings living with us and all around us all the time. I know of about 20 and this engagement goes much farther than you may be aware of. The Physical Technological equipment can enhance these effects of communication to our heads, and are being used also by those whom want to enslave the masses. Which Naturally Dies in the End! But the Technological Waves that are attached to the Universal Ether through Quantum Physics is actually not needed to talk to our heads and be influenced by another in the Sky. Because there is also an Eternal Ether which is in part where the Physical Universal Ether comes from through Magic and Positive Creative Work in the beginning. I call it The Eternal Enlightened Magical Gracious Spirit, and some call it other names including the holy spirit, but it does not belong to the catholics though they claim it does from the negative or dark side. Which does not have enough power, as they claim to have more than they do while stealing Eternal Powers from others. They also don't have anywhere near the Power level that Positive Only Eternal Beings do, Especially those who can Create a Universe. As there is proof with us, in us and around us that there is at least one almighty being, as we are living proof of that along with this Universe and Sciences. But that first one most possibly is not what we have been told previously in being a God. Goddesses are also in Inistance, and should be searched for equally to any search by anyone for a God, as has been influenced and guided to by beings in the sky actively & everyday & night, and on the ground around us, maybe from someone you know, as the influence for searching for an almighty God is also written into different kinds of religions. But when we search for a Goddess Mother instead, then we begin to learn how Goddess Mothers Rule!!!