Your Greatest Enemy May Surprise You | Jordan Peterson Motivation

Your Greatest Enemy May Surprise You | Jordan Peterson Motivation

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  1. Jordan Peterson, you are not excepted by those with little to no virtue. Those who are conscientious appreciate you. Jordan you have saved my life and gave it purpose again after a 20 year marriage ending in a nasty divorce due to her infidelity THANK YOU! I love you like a father and take your teachings and advice over others I personally know. I will like you to know that I am black so you are reaching all who care to listen. I do not blindly follow you however your facts are facts and the messages resonate with me. Watching this video made me sad because your sad and shouldn't be for the reason you are. I guess the haters are louder than the supporters, sorry we haven't contributed enough support to silence the haters. You are hated by those to far gone to see ? wisdom. Please, please, please continue doing what you are doing you are a better preacher than preachers. We need you, you are a God send. Sincerely, Will W.

  2. Hi Jordan,

    I hope you read this,

    It really affected how you said that standing out of your tribe can be quite daunting and quite the risk taking.

    I think looking into expats who lived their life’s outside of their comfort zones for a long time are one of the best examples ever.

    You are literally braving your ass off with other communities and cultures and sometimes you are both with a new one all by yourself.

  3. Jordon is "controversial," only to those who remain in their own darkness- refusing to be teachable. Even when a better path is laid out before them. To me, he isn't controversial.

  4. The solution to every problem exposed here is to find your identity and value and purpose "In Christ", the mystery explained by Paul in his letters. We will never understand ourselves until we understand God. To understand God we need to understand Jesus. To understand Jesus we need to study Pauls writtings. The True has set you free!!!

  5. How long do you continue to strife just to have the rug pulled out from under you everytime you start to stabilize your life? How do you stop the one who is hell bent to stop you?

  6. Thank you Mr. Peterson! You are not controversial, you are in search of the TRUTH, PEACE and LOVE; the ESSENCE OF LIFE! Unfortunately, many in this world do not value what gives life. FEAR and DEATH control our WORLD.

  7. What the f-ck is this guy talking about we have real problems, he doesn't discuss solutions to, I think he's a good man, but no answers, and quit depressing and he's been wrong alot.

  8. I love you Jordan Peterson you are a giver in a world of takers.
    You have been blessed with such an amazing mind and heart and you are saving and changing many lives all over the world every day.
    ThankYou Jordan for being honest and vulnerable in front of us, that’s a sign of just how real you are.
    I can’t help but wonder when you get emotional if it’s because of your own pain and that because of that you are able to feel our pain, which goes full circle as we feel your pain.
    We all struggle with who we are and what we believe you included, but I see your brokenness and your immense gifts that you share with us and I know in my heart God is working thru you to reach the sick and the broken, the destroyers and builders, just like he has done from the beginning of time.
    You shed tears as you feel and experience our agony and pain, as you hand out for free the secrets that you know would change our lives, if we would only listen.
    Jesus does the same thing with us, he shows us what we need to change our lives for the better,again if we would only listen.
    God bless you Jordan for you are such a blessing to all of us and I am immensely proud that you are Canadian. You are our National treasure! ❤️??‍♀️??

  9. Mr. Peterson I’m praying for you??♥️, you are fighting against the devil himself, but God is w/u, please stay strong??????. I love You?♥️?????

  10. Dear Jordan Peterson, what is happening to you is so simple to explain, and here is the TRUTH: the ENVIOUS SMALLMINDEDNESS litterary CANNOT stand GREATNESS! Therefore the envious are goinng to attack you in every creepy way, because it is ALL the smallminded can do – being mean and try to destroy greatness. You teach GOODNES and WISDOM with pure heart – so why should anyone attack you? Well, wisdom is enemy of stupidity and greatness is enemy of smallmindedness! Keep in mind the great proverb: " The dogs are barking, yet the caravan keeps going!" DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO and THANK GOD for gracing you with all talents and THANK YOURSELF for DEVELOPING your talents and that you are SERVING others with them! And enjoy your life….the smallminded are barking, but YOU KEEP GOING IN YOUR GREAT DIRECTION! Love, Rossitsa Natcheva

  11. Dr. Peterson, You are not controversial to the masses who agree with your wisdom! Your morality, your intriguing way of summing-up controversial topics with integrity and truth! For heaven's sake Jordan, You have helped me grow, aspire to keep growing, and to not give up! Thank You Sir????

    You are the most passionate loving speaker of your status alive on the planet today!! congratulations for everything you've done, you should feel absolutely amazing nothing less

  13. U probably save more people from brake down completely an rich very bottom.keep strong Ur hope for millions for better future.Mans and not only man appreciation for your job in massive.

  14. Some find him so controversial because hes able not just see thru the fairytale nonsense, the confusion, the complicated situations so many face but he also has the ability to articulate that and very feasible solutions to it all and chooses to volumize it to the masses!

  15. Thank God your controversial
    You are indeed worthy
    Worthy of my Gratitude
    Stay the course
    My mom always said if you helped one person
    Than you've helped them All
    You've helped them by making this world just a ever so slightly better place to be
    a better place for all to be
    I know you did mine
    Thank you

  16. J.P. has helped me more than anyone in my 50 years on earth. When you’ve raised 4 productive non Antifa kids, fought in a war, been brutally divorced twice, been addicted to the worst of the worst substances, been homeless, suicidal, been bankrupt, beaten and left for dead. JP helped me realize that’s all been a blessing.
    I am invincible.

  17. He's helped me so much. I was drinking every single day. Spending upwards of $50 a day( $1500+ a month) I'm a high earner, so I didn't really feel it financially, but I drink expensive stuff. But what he said about writing down things- and it's impact. I wrote down how much I was spending and it blew my mind. Needless to say I cut back immensely. I haven't completely stopped. But it's down to only when I go out. And that's very rare.

    Jordan is a gem. I wish we had 10,000 of him. He's touched my heart in so many other ways. Thank you Jordan. And this is coming from a once troubled black man. I grew up in the harshest of situations. But I'm the rose that grew from the concrete ??????

  18. In the Bible Paul gave his "resume"
    He ends it by saying of Sinners I am Chief.
    Another verse says Cast ALL your cares upon him(Jesus) because he cares for you.

  19. It's always amazing how qll these videos about subjects people are told not to talk about get made and nothing ever happens. Movie reviewers face more dangerous restrictions than these idiots talking about secrets you shouldn't know.