What if the poor were part of city planning? | Smruti Jukur Johari

What if the poor were part of city planning? | Smruti Jukur Johari

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  1. I've heard things like this from people before, but this particular lady empowers the poor and makes their lives better in their own ways. Much respect!

  2. Actually I am shocked that they didn't know how amazing a container home would be. This is 2020, container homes are just as good if not better than regular homes and they can look exactly the same.

  3. The government unfortunately likes to hide all sorts of problem (including the poor ppl) under the carpet, instead of tackling them effectively. Anyway, this is one of the best Ted talk I've watched recently. Thank you for sharing ?

  4. In reality, urban people’s dont have a choice. Because government have to choice rules of the city, they have a control for the future of the city on regulation build, and have to take a risk on a urban and regional planning.. so, the government have to build vision and mission for the good city on the future..

  5. I think this way of thinking should be challenged more at universities. Architecture and civil engineering are worthless if we neglect any demographic in our project.

  6. It seems she has this typical idealism of so called pseudo liberalistic ideology , she might have identified & projected the problem, but has not come up with any concrete idea. But just a faint philosophical strand.

  7. Hi Brother and Sister Help me I'm very worried I really need help I'm just worried about my situation I've been worried for five years No one has helped me yet I also want to do something in my life Please help me God bless you

  8. It's a nice sentiment but in practice is nonsense. Sorry. But n the US they push this with low income housing in wealthy areas and gave section 8 to people in the projects and hey moved to suburban areas. The reality is that in turned they only raised the crime rates.

  9. There's no such thing as poor people, just people who have been conditioned in poor environments. Every individual is born with abundance in their spirit.

  10. No one makes decisions for you better than yourself. This doesn't apply to just poor people. Remove government intervention from people's lives, because everything they do to "improve" comes out worse and more expensive than it has to be. If I fix a road myself, I'll make sure it's done as cost effective and functional as possible. Government doesn't care how my road is because gov gets paid either way, and in fact, if they provide a service poorly, they'll get paid more to come back and work again.

  11. I feel like this is a concept that could be applied to any aspect of urban development. Want to improve slums or low income housing? Ask the residents what they need. Want yo improve cycling infrastructure in the city? Ask cyclists what they need. Want to attract people to the small businesses and create pedestrian spaces? Ask local residents and business owners what they need. Community involvement is key.

  12. Awesome! I wish some of the politicians here in the US would hear this lesson. So many are obsessed with their "we know what's best for the poor" policies…policies which more often than not help few while leaving the many without any help or even made worse off because of the policy.

  13. I see this everyday when going to DTLA, its sad to see those that “the government gave up on”. Seeing that “poor people” get pushed to the side and/or overlooked is saddening to say the least. But with better support even those “poor people” would live better lives because of the resources provided to them.

  14. That star boy was looking fab-u-lous! Best clothing donation a gay guy ever made! But I heard a lady from Africa that talked about how there were textile companies in her country before- we are living off the poor and reaping the benefits. So who will fight for them. I am saying that we can do more harm than good, even with our best intentions. Fraternity, being amount oneanother leads to equally, which is the only way toward justice, truly. Just be right and right there.

  15. What those women did for their community was incredible and so inspiring; it so important to LISTEN to and RECOGNISE those who society deem as 'unimportant' because they are some of the brightest people.

  16. A victim & poverty mindset will keep you bitter and poor. They are both learned mindsets taught to them from generation to generation. However, those can be broken through Christ.

  17. Me Coming from the poor region of the city and wanting to change the situation always!!!!much needed video mam..tqs a lott!!
    Many who watch this will ignore it…bcz they hvnt experienced this..but be the one to atleast change the region surrounding u…
    Ultimately we all live as a society…Let's make this happen??

  18. This reminds me of officials and NGOs who insisted African villagers plant tomatoes as a cash crop. The villagers knew that as soon as the fruit ripened, it would be devoured by hippos, yet the officials insisted this was the right thing to do.