Want Change? Start with Yourself

Want Change? Start with Yourself

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  1. Its almost as if this was meant to be. I literally had an early Monday morning breakdown and this is exactly what I needed. God bless you..

  2. Yes that space! That space between stimulus and response is where we live our life and where we can change our life and change the world. Brandon, love ya! Thank you for your inspiration ??

  3. I Love you Brendon, Greetings from all my team members as well, from Medellin Colombia You have Inspired us sooo much in every aspect of our lives, God Bless you & Your Family.

  4. Thank you!!!! Hey the last part was not complete other video cut off. Is there a place where I can watch the end? I feel that I was watching a great movie and I missed the end hahaha

  5. Thank you Brendon, We tend to be our own harshest critics. We have lived in small towns for the last 14 years, and have pretty much been on a first name basis with all the law enforcement officers, and most of them were just the warmest people, multiple times they picked me up to drive me home when they saw me walking on the side of the road, “so you don’t get hit by a car”. I know I have been privileged to have such an experience. And when you were talking about the teenagers, I was reminded of Tony Robbins saying “what gets rewarded, gets repeated”. “Thank you, that you……” And the accusations, at our home, after a lot of practice, I have trained myself to replace “You “ with “that”. Our youngest thinks it’s funny to put her cold hand on me, along with other things, to try and push my buttons, but when I say “that was mean” she doesn’t get offended. On the other hand, I use “You” when I give a compliment or appreciation. “I appreciate YOU for……” fill in the blank, helping with whatever it happens to be. Who knows, maybe someone here will find this helpful. Sending love and light and good vibes. Much Love and God Bless You

  6. Hi Brendon, you should write an new book on leadership, that is something we badly need in 2020 and the near future. How to be a leader, how to lead a team, practical examples etc. Thanks!

  7. Hi Brendon, do this video have a part 2? i actually dont know why God led me to you and to your videos but it really helps me realized all my mistakes that I was not aware that it could hurt people. I failed on communication

  8. Brendon (I always get it wrong because I’m french Canadian) Butchard… I like to think it’s Brendon Bouchard haha !

    Thank you my brother ! For this and past youtube videos.

    Please keep it up.


  9. When I see what problems the US have, I begin to like my country more:)))
    They say human nature is quite similar everywhere (generalization), but… they also say everybody is different! Now how is that? Ha ha… Fascinanting world we live in…

  10. God. I love this man. Every time I get stuck or feel like I’m in a rut, I listen to one of his podcasts or watch one of his videos and I get aligned with my life’s work again ?

  11. ridiculous! I lived through the 60s. what is going on today is not the same. I lived through it. stop living in the past and being a victim. blm is a violent organization. it's globalist not American. its racist.

  12. I have been there so many times when you don’t know what to say!!!! My dad used to call me every month to remind me to pay my rent. I knew he was only meaning to help, but it made me feel like he didn’t think I knew…SO…I told him, and I’ve used this lots of other times…”I know you probably know this, but I just want to make sure we’re on the same page…blah blah blah”! Even with my own adult stubborn children and the individuals with special needs I work with, at least for me, it has worked every time. You just adapt it in the obvious manner for the individual. Let me know what you think. Thanks. ???

  13. Listened to just the first two minutes of the message for now.
    Sometimes it's good to separate from true evil people, like in a mafious family. And the only way to do it seems just to judge them for what they are.