Tristan Tate's Speech NO ONE Wants To Hear — One Of The Most Eye-Opening Speeches

Tristan Tate's Speech NO ONE Wants To Hear — One Of The Most Eye-Opening Speeches

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Tristan “Talisman” Tate is a Romanian-based British-American kickboxer and online personality.

This is our compilation of his most inspiring and motivational speeches! Watch the video until the end for mind-blowing life advice by Tristan “Talisman” Tate!

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#tristantate #lifeadvice #success #motivation
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  1. That’s the only thing you have that I want. That relationship you have with Andrew, if I had that, I know I could conquer the inner enemy faster I have to settle for being an army of one until I find like minded people. It’s hard. Inshallah, I will make all my dreams come true and smoke a cigar with you and Andrew. Inshallah.

  2. These two woke me up to mind control becoming disciplined they put pieces to the puzzle together i wasn’t understanding but always knew i had all the pieces. These comments and recycled quotes your all using made me feel pissed off hardly half of you just don’t get what these two Legends of alpha are on. That’s why your watching this because you know they right we are pissed off being trapped get out of your emotions we don’t know shit stop pasting stolen quotes an listen. Join hustler university .

  3. Every time i think why i do things in games like: I but this then this ect. but in the end i thing why do i do this shit and the anser is entertainment but there is no end goal.
    But i do more sports i buy a better pc to paly games with some friends but i also don`t play that mutch, and i do sports with some other friends and i try to do more sports.

  4. Its crazy people like that can just get banned For speaking such truth. Makes you wonder what is going on in the world we live in and who and why is trying to control us. This is some scary shit

  5. Brothers! I'm telling you, I had the same thing with Battlefield… I was constantly at the top of the leader board and at some point at the morning (playing whole night until the morning) I taught to myself… Shit, what is this going to give me? Hearing Tristan saying the exact same thing, hits me because I recognize the situation.

    Cut off your online friends. Trust me, it's a hard process when you are deep in the world. But slowly you will see how much time you have lost.

    Amazing video. Thank you for uploading

  6. Tristian I know you won't see this, I know this isn't his channel, idc that's fine. I am in lost of words to use in this comment. You've truly sparked something in me and yet made me feel more comfortable in the state that I am in, thank you.

  7. Earth's flat lads…… if you and Andrew are truly free, you already know this…… if not, you still got a hell of a mountain to climb!!!

    TATES FTW!!!!! ….. no 2 ppl in HISTORY have ever made such an impact on the daily lives of men…… which simply emphasises how deep the lies were spun to us over the years…. there is a clear war going on and you're attention is the prize!!! ……. REASERCH!!!!! … knowledge is POWER!!!

  8. Herein lies the problem. How do you become successful without the expectation that someone else has to slave harder and longer than you in their life and never get to be and happy or eat as well as you? If you can live with that, teach your kids to ignore other kids hungry, little clothing and no Christmas….all because you figured out how to sell yourself better as a slave. Shame on humanity for accepting this. Shame on parents for this breeding program. Shame on society for buying it. Shame on the human species. Unfortunately, I am guilty by association because I have no choice but to be a human like you. ugh