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  1. It's interesting, I'm one of the young people who grew up in suburban or semi-suburban environments. Not middle-class, just removed from any city center. Now we are moving back to the cities to work jobs that are only available in the cities, like in high technology. We all have our definition of what success is. It's individual. But you have to take responsibility for your own actions, including your faults, if you ever want to really take yourself to the next level. Thank you Eric, you continue to inspire me!

  2. This TGIM haymaker me, I remember when times got hard and I ran from my problems. Now it's time to run towards them and deal with them. So that I can go to the next level. Thank you ET!!!

  3. ET is so inspirational and underrated (in my opinion). I made a motivational video about dealing with your past mistakes. Check it out and give me some feedback guys!

  4. Mr. Thomas, I want you to know that if somebody rapes you as a kid, it is not their fault and that was not a good illustration. The responsibility is to be placed on the perpetrator shoulders. The process is to first stop blaming yourself and put the blame on the person that violated you. I love your messages, I just wanted to address that…. Never ask a victim to take the blame, it is destructive for the process toward inner healing….. Love ya brother

  5. TGIM Daily Devotional Day 10:
    (12.28.16) @ 1:14pm

    I'm having a hard time with this one, not because I don't understand it, but because there are certain things in my life that I know I wasn't perfect, but I know me taking full responsibility would only hurt me instead of help me to move on. I know this is kind of vague, but I think when I go see a therapist I'll bring this up and mention what you said here. maybe the thing I think I should take responsibility for is actually one of the things I can't control.

  6. I watched a video of yours and I will tell you being someone who watches this type of content I went to your first video to see where you started sense I am just getting on your type of grind and I will watch them all that I can promise you

  7. Date: Sunday 26th November 2017 Entry:0010

    Personal note: I fell off and haven't uploaded for the past few days,but I'm back on track! Don't count yourself out, get back up and back into work!

    Any time we are a part of the problem, we are a part of the solution. Which means we can change things!

    1) Promise to never play the blame game again! Blaming others relieves us of the responsibility to change the solution. However this takes us no closer to success.

    2) Stop Running!

    I love this particular extract that Eric said "If you want to reach a level of success that you've never reached before, then you need t stop running from your problems, instead run to it, because your success is on the other side of the problem!"
    Personally, I have avoided situations and problems for extended periods of time and this has stopped me from attaining success in those areas, now that I've decided to combat these issues, I know that success is only a stone throw away on the other side of these obstacles!

    3)It's Painful!
    When we take full responsibility, it'll hurt. Bare this in mind before you say "it's your fault". Be prepared for the pain and know it's a part of the process. Deal with your problems head on and push past that pain. A beautiful note to end on: "As soon as you deal with it, you overcome it"

    I decided to go back and start at episode 1! Gotta make the most of the content ET provided us all with, every morning I'm making it a habit and commitment to watch a TGIM and note down what I took from it. I hope if you're reading this then you find my notes helpful, comment and I'll love to discuss too 🙂

  8. 1:552:31 What a Weak Ass argument. "I don't want anybody to feel, anybody to feel like I am minimizing their experience" All you ever Do is Minimize the suffering of others, Many of whom suffered far Worse than you ever did. Those sort of Heartless, sometimes even ignorant, remarks and opinions Sucks so Much of the Air out the Volunteer Work that you Do.

    All of the Lives that you have changed, transformed, Must be weighed against all of the People that you have Written off, Given up on, and Minimized.

    Yes One Must Participate in their own Rescue, but you ALWAYS take it too far!